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タイトル: 慈大式人工腎臓の研究 (第7報)基礎的諸問題の研究
その他のタイトル: The Studies on the Jikei Electro-Dialyzer Report7 : Fundamental Problems
著者: 足立, 良一  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: ADACHI, Ryoichi
発行日: Feb-1961
出版者: 京都大学医学部泌尿器科教室
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 7
号: 2
開始ページ: 274
終了ページ: 282
抄録: The fundamental studies on the Jikei-Electro-dia l yserh as hitherto been reported by T. Minami, T.Kusimoto (1958), H. Hosobe (1959), N. Miki (1959), Y. Miura (1960), T. Matsumoto (1960), in the past few years. The study on the elec t rodialysis, however, has not been reported by the other people and still has more problems to be studied. The author recently performed some experiments on the followingf undamental problems concerning the Jikei-Electro-dialyzer 1) Stabiliz a tion of pH and electrolyte balance 2) Prophylaxis of decrease of serum C O 2c ontent 3) Prevention of heating of the electro-di a lyzing equipment during dialysis The results are summerized as follows 1) Serum Electrolytes and p H has successfully maintained within normal limits by using multi-cellular filtrating apparatus. 2) Sufficients upply o f the rinsing fluid is eflective to prevent decrease of the serum CO2 content. Switching of the electrodes on the other hand, has no means for it. 3) The specific resistance of the normal human blood is much higher tha n that of the rinsing fluid. It is about 2.58 times higher at 40°C. 4) The ratio of the electric resistence of th e No. 300 boiled cellophane, N o. 300u nboilded cellophane and, No. 400 anboiled cellophane is 1 : 1.1 1.5. 5) The Calorificationr atio of the blood chamber, the f iltrating menbrane and the rinsing fluid chamber of the Jikei Electro-dialyzer Model C is 55.7: 1 : 333.9. It can be said, therefore, the cooling of the rinsing fluid is the most effective to prevevt heating of the equipment.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/112090
出現コレクション:Vol.7 No.2


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