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タイトル: 抗結核剤(Streptomycin,PAS,INAH)を使用せる畢上体内結核菌の螢光法(矢崎氏)に依る所見に就いて
その他のタイトル: Effects of Anti-tuberculous Drugs upon Tuberculous Bacilli in Epididymis by Means of Fluororescence Microscope (Yazaki)
著者: 志賀, 宗俊  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: SHIGA, Munetoshi
発行日: Feb-1961
出版者: 京都大学医学部泌尿器科教室
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 7
号: 2
開始ページ: 240
終了ページ: 252
抄録: 1) Findings of tuberculous bacilli in caseous lesions : Tuberculous bacilli were found in fresh caseou s lesions and cavities, much of which were found especially in leucocytes, epithelioid cells and caseous necrotic masses as well as in caseous lesions of other tissues. However, it is very rare to be found growing in a dead mass or in a condition like on a artificial culture medium. As for the focus and types of tuberculous bacilli, most of them were ordinary type and there were little atypical types and granular forms. Administr a tion of anti-tuberculous drugs of doses illustrated in this report did not give much difference in types and forms between the treated group and the control group. 2) Tuberculous bacilli found adjascent to caseous lesions There were not so many bacilli found both in t h e control and treated groups. In more than half of cases were found no bacilli, if present, the number of bacilli were two to three or there-about and no significant difference was found between these two groups. 3) Tuberculous bacilli in tubercles per se : Most cases were negative for presence o f bacilli both in the treated and control groups. No bacilli was found in all cases of No. 4 and 5 groups which were administered relatively large doses of anti-tuberculous drugs. The incidence of presence o f tuberculous bacilli in caseous lesions, area adjascent to caseous lesions and tubercle were 72.2 per cent, 38.9 per cent and 45 per cent respectively, in control group and 72 per cent, 45.7 per cent and 53.5 per cent in the treated group, which were much higher than in published data. Thus the effects of doses of anti-tuberculous drugs upon tuberculous bacilli were minimal. 4) Relatively many bacilli were found in the ducts and not so many in the epithelia and sub-epithelial tissue and about two times of bacilli were found in the interstitial tissue as much as found in the ducts, epithelia and sub-epithelial tissues. Thus it was found that the forms of invasions, rate of e x istence of bacilli and the amount of bacilli corresponded with each other. In addition, the bacilli were found most in the ducts in cases of both ductal and interstitial disseminations.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/112092
出現コレクション:Vol.7 No.2


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