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タイトル: 前立腺亜鉛代謝に関する実験的研究 第1編: 性ホルモンの影響について
その他のタイトル: Experimental Studies on Zinc Metabolism in the Prostatic Gland. Part I : On the Effects of Sexual Hormones.
著者: 平山, 多秋  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: HIRAYAMA, Masaaki
キーワード: Estradiol
Zinc Isotopes
発行日: Sep-1964
出版者: 京都大学医学部泌尿器科学教室
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 10
号: 9
開始ページ: 553
終了ページ: 570
抄録: Using male adult rats of the Wistar strain, studies were made on the relation between 65Znu ptake rate in dorso-lateral lobe of the prostatic gland and its weight under various influences of the sexual hormones and on the changes in amount of the 65Zn in the drosolateral lobe. The results summerized as follows. 1) In normal rats, the dorso-l a teral lobes of the prostate was found to have the highest uptake rate (cpm/mg) than any other organs in 24 hrs of administration. The weight and the 65Zn uptake rate were higher in cohabit group than in non-cohabit group. 2) In normal rats, after administration of T. P. 0.1mg, the weight of the lobe increased consistently, while the uptake rate decreased in 20 days with subsequent increase. With E. b. 0.1mg administration, both of the weight and uptake rate showed tendency of decrease at each period. With administration of T. P. 0.2mg and E. p. 0.1mg, they maintained the control levels, while they showed tendency of decrease after administration of T. P. 0.1mg and E. b. 0.1mg. 3) In t he group of castrated but non-treated rats, the uptake rate decreased accompanied with decline of the weight, but the uptake rate did not change during the period between 20 and 30 days after the operation. With administration of sufficient dose of T. P. (0.2 mg daily), the weight and uptake rate maintained at the control level for 30 days. With inadequate dose of T. P., however, both of weight and uptake rate decreased with the later being less predominant. With adminishation of E. b. there was decreases in both weight and uptake rate as same as the non-treated group, whereas relatively high uptake rate was obtained in 10 days with 0.01 mg administration. When a large amount (1 mg) of T. P. is given at the completion of atrophy, the weight returned to the control level in 10 days, but the uptake rate shoured a slower restoration. 4) The transition o f the amount of 65Zn in the dorso-lateral lobe showed a similar change in both cohabit and non-cohabit groups in normal rats. In 30 days, the accumulated rate was 18-24% which was still higher than the other organs for the uptake rate. With administration of T. P., a slower change was obtained in normal and castrated rats, while a rapid change was seen with administration of E. b. with a slight increase in 30. When a large amount of T. P. is given after completion of castrated phase, a tendency of increase was observed despite low uptake rate. 5) By means of autoradiography , specific uptake of the 65Zn was able to be demonstrated in the dorso-lateral lobe, but the effect of hormone was not clearly defined. Trends of increases of 65Zn in epithelial cells with T. P. administration and in interstitial cells with E. b. administration were recognized, of which relationship with functions of glandular cell or tissue is not known.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/112607
PubMed ID: 14227895
出現コレクション:Vol.10 No.9


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