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著者: Nakamura, Shigehisa
著者名の別形: 中村, 重久
キーワード: subglacial volcano
Tephra (volcanic ash)
発行日: 20-May-2010
出版者: Shigehisa Nakamura
抄録: This is a note to satellite monitoring of the subglacial volcano in the Atlantic. The satellite data are obtained by EUMETSAT and NASA An eruption of a subglacial volcano in Iceland had issued volcanic ash, and the winds transferred the ash to the European Union in April 2010. This volcano is one of the volcanoes in the Atlantic. There are volcanoes in the north and south Atlantic. Some of them are in Azores Islands, in Canary Islands and Cape Verde Islands. Iceland is located on the zone of the mid-Atlantic ocean ridge, where the magma can be seen by an eye-watch technique directly on the island, though one of the subglacial volcanoes had an event of the ash, scattering to the on-land area of the European Union. In this work, the author has to give his remark on the important notice about consideration of the chemical effects of the gasses bursted at the volcanic eruption. The volcanic ash pattern is well governed by the winds around the volcano. This event has had a strong impact to the global net-work of the air-line transportation. Now, the author introduces about the volcanic islands in the Atlantic, including the volcanoes in Azores Islands, in Canary Islands, and in Cape Verde Islands.
著作権等: © 2010 Shigehisa Nakamura
This is not the published version. Please cite only the published version.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/112674


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