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タイトル: P-741(Bromelain)の泌尿器科領域における応用と血液凝固機転に及ぼす影響についての2,3の検討
その他のタイトル: Urological evaluations of "bromelain" and clinical studies on its influences for blood coagulation
著者: 稲田, 務  KAKEN_name
桐山, 啻夫  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: INADA, Tsutomu
キーワード: Adult
Blood Coagulation/drug effects
Bromelains/pharmacology/therapeutic use
Child, Preschool
Clinical Trials as Topic
発行日: Jun-1965
出版者: 京都大学医学部泌尿器科学教室
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 11
号: 6
開始ページ: 532
終了ページ: 545
抄録: Ten patients following circumcision of the phimosi s , 9 patients after operations of the intrascrotal contents and 21 patients endotracheally anaesthetized with GOF were orally administered 120-160mg "Bromelain" per day for a week. A 5 aged girl with adrenogenital syndrome underwent amputation of the enlarged clitoris followed by administration of "Bromelain" 20 mg a day for 10 days . The median duration of consulting visits to our clinic following circumcision was 9.1 days for 10 patients received "Bromelain" and 11.2 days for 11 controls. The average period necessiated for disapperance of all laryngeal symptoms• .caused by endotracheal anaesthesia was 1.9 days for 21 patients given "Bro melain" and 4.0 days for 14 controls. The effect of "Bromelain" on postoperative edema was satisfactory. A 33-year-old man with posttraumatic priapism was excellently treated with 1120 mg of "Bromelain" alone . Daily administrat i on of "Bromelain" for 18 to 30 days, totalling 2, 000 to 4, 320 mg, to 5 patients with marked macro-pyuria due to chronic inflammation of the urinary tracts and /or disturbance of urinary passage, who had been refractory to long-term therapy of su lfa drugs or anitbiotics, resulted complete release from subjective symptoms and improvement in grade of the pyuria. Results of b l eeding time, coagulation time, clot retraction, capillary fragility, and tromboplastin generation test in8 patients given a total of 1, 920 to 4, 320mg of "Bromelain" orally during periods between 16 to 33 days showed no significant changes. In all cases but one, thrombocyte count increased insignificantly following the medication. Prothrombin activity in 2 patients decreased to 49% and 31% respectively after the administration while the other 6 patients remained within normal limits. In all of the 48 patients studied, no undisirable side effects were experienced.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/112757
PubMed ID: 5318607
出現コレクション:Vol.11 No.6


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