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タイトル: 精嚢腺の吸収機能に関する研究
その他のタイトル: Studies on absorptive function of the seminal vesicles
著者: 西垣, 定雄  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: NISHIGAKI, Sadao
キーワード: Absorption
Gonadal Steroid Hormones/metabolism
Seminal Vesicles/physiology
発行日: Sep-1965
出版者: 京都大学医学部泌尿器科学教室
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 11
号: 9
開始ページ: 834
終了ページ: 849
抄録: Despite many reports on the absorptive function of th e seminal vesicles, the results have been varied aacording to drugs and experimental animals used for the studies. To evaluate the relationship between vital situation of the endocrine system and absorptive function of the seminal vesicle, studies were carried out to observe the absorptive state of aqueous solution of 131I Na from the seminal vesicle in experimentally and clinically. 1) Results of animal experiments. Absorption of 131IN a s o lution from the seminal vesicles of male adult rabbit was proved to be very fast, which was almost equivalent to absorption of 1311 Na from subcutaneous tissue. In abdition, the absorptive function of the seminal vesicles was found to be greatly influenced by endocrine situations. Namely the highest absorptive function was seen in young animals, followed by animals given male sexual hormone, given female sexual hormone, normal adult rabbit and lastly castrated animal. 2) Results of clinical experiments. In normal adult men, n o rmal senile men and 10 cases of various type of hypogonadism, absorptive function test of the seminal vesicles was performed to evaluate relationship between the function and X-ray picture of the seminal vericles and urinary excretion of various hormones. The results indicated that the absorptive function is better in younger age groups with gradual decrease according to advancing of age. In patients with hypogonadism, decreased absorptive function was observed in all cases except for Klinefelter's syndrome. On the relationship between the absorptive function and the results of endocrine studies, the most closed relation was found in urinary gonadotropin excretion. Whenever abnormal urinany gonadotropin excretion was observed, the absorptive function of the seminal vesicles showed abnormal results. There was no noticeable relationship between the absorptive function and X-ray picture of the seminal vesicles as far as the size of seminal vesicle is concerned. However there was a definite relationship between the absorptive function and the angle of main axis. Namely persons having the greater angles of the main tubuli showed the lowere absorptive functions. From the results of above experimental and c l inical studies, the absorptive function of the seminal vesicles was proved to highly depend upon the vital endocrine situation of the individual body, especially on activity of sexual hormones. This suggests us that the absorptive function is widely applicable to quantitative determination of androgen activity.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/112819
PubMed ID: 5893357
出現コレクション:Vol.11 No.9


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