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タイトル: 精嚢腺X線像の臨床的意義について 第1編: 統計的観察
その他のタイトル: Clinical evaluation of seminal vesiculogram. 1 : Statistical observation
著者: 宇野, 博志  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: UNO, Hiroshi
キーワード: Adult
Middle Aged
Prostatic Diseases/diagnosis
Seminal Vesicles/pathology
発行日: Nov-1965
出版者: 京都大学医学部泌尿器科学教室
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 11
号: 11
開始ページ: 1114
終了ページ: 1119
抄録: 1) The report deals with the results of statistical analysis of the seminal vesiculography (Yanagihara-Ishigami's method) performed during the period of 10 years between 1955 and 1964 for the various urogenital diseases. 2) The total number of out-patien t s during this period was 8, 733, in which the semi nal vesiculography was done in 597 cases (6.8 %). 3) Age distribution of the subjects perfo r med the technique was 254 cases (42.5 %) in the 4th decade, which is the highest rate, followed by in the 3 rd decade (18.3 %) and the 5 th decade (14.4 %). 4) Disease distribution showed more than a half cases to be male hypogonadism, which was 348 cases, followed by 93 cases of seminal vesicular diseases, 79 cases of various diseases of the adjacent organs, and 77 cases of other miscellaneous diseases. 5) Among the male hypogonadism, the majority of the patients was with m ale sterility including 179 cases of azoospermia, 94 cases of oligospermia and 6 cases necrozospermia. Othes than the above, 17 cases of impotence, 16 cases of eunachoidism, 10 cases of cryptorchism, 7 cases of Kleinfelter's syndrome and 6 cases FrOhlich's syndrome were subjected to the techmique. 6) Among th e seminal vesicular diseases, the most frequent patients done the seminal vesiculography were 60 case of non-specific inflammations including hematospermia, then 16 cases of tuberculosis, 12 cases of abnormal dilatation and stone formation of the seminal vesicle were followed. 7) Among the various diseases in the adjacent organs, 30 cases of prostatic hypertrophy, 19 cases of prostatitis, 10 cases of prostatic carcinoma, 8 cases of carcinoma of the urinary bladder and 4 cases of prostatic stones were included. 8) Among the miscellaneous diseases, 34 cases of e pididymal tuberculosis and 12 cases of non-specific epididymitis were the main entities.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/112852
PubMed ID: 5894950
出現コレクション:Vol.11 No.11


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