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タイトル: ラット前立腺の組織化学 3: 甲状腺,胸腺系の影響
その他のタイトル: Histochemistry of the rat prostatic gland. 3 : Influences of the thyroid and thymic systems
著者: 福重, 満  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: FUKUSHIGE, Mitsuru
キーワード: Animals
Thymus Gland/physiology
Thyroid Gland/physiology
発行日: Jan-1966
出版者: 京都大学医学部泌尿器科学教室
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 12
号: 1
開始ページ: 26
終了ページ: 42
抄録: Using male rats of Wistar strain, studies were made on the influences of the thyroid and thymic systems upon the changes of weight and histochemical findings of the prostatic gland, testicle, seminal vesicle and adrenal gland. Simultaneously, effects of sexual hormones which added to the thyroid and thymic agents were also observed. The results are summarized as follows. 1) Observ a tions of short duration (3 and 5 weeks) in the thyroid groups revealed a slight increase in weight of the prostatic gland, a decrease in ACP and an increase in ALP following thyroidectomy or administration of MTU, and a decrease in weight of the prostatic gland and increases in ACP and RNA with administration of thyroid powder. The results indicated that supression of thyroid function yields an increase in weight and hypofunction of the prostatic gland while hyperthyroidism makes a decrease in weight and hyperfunction of the prostatic gland. 2) Obse r vations of long duration (3 and 5 months) in the thyroid groups showed an increase in weight and decrease in function of the prostatic gland following administration of MTU, while a decrease in weight and increases in Zn and SD of the prostatic gland after administration of thyroid powder. However when the grade of suppression or acceleration of the thyroid function is exceeded, both of weight and function of the proststic gland were decreased. 3) Administration of sexual hormones in association with experimental thyroid disfunctions resulted intenser effects of the sexual hormones upon the prostatic gland. 4) In thyroid groups, weight of the testicle shoWed a slight increas e after thyroidectomy and administration of MTU or thyroid powder. The level of SD in seminal vesicle the yielded decreases after thyroidectomy or administration of MTU and an increase after administration of thyroid powder. Furthermore, with thyroidectomy or with administration of MTU, increases in weight, amount of Sudan III stainable substance and 17 KS of the adrenal gland were demonstrated during short observations period, while decreases in these values were shown during long observation period. With administration of thyroid powder, despite a slight decrease in weight of the adrenal gland, Sudan 'III stainable substance and 17 KS revealed increases in short observation period and decreases in long observation period, making a diphasic pattern. 5) Following thymectomy, the prostatic gland showed an increase in weight and hyperfunction with increases of Zn and SD. Administration of thymic agent resulted decreases in weight and function of the prostatic gland with decreases of RNA, Zn and SD. 6) Administration of male or female sexual hormones in association with thy m ectomy or treatment with thymic agent demonstrated a more intense effects of sexual hormones upon gonads in the cases of thymectomy with sexual hormonal administration than the cases of simultaneous treatment with thymic agent and sexual hormones. 7) Weight of the testicle increased after thymectomy a n d decreased with administration of thymic agent. The level of SD in the seminal vesicle coincided with that of in the prostatic gland. Thymectomy also resulted a decrease in weight and an increase of stainability of the adrenal gland, while results of vice versa were obtained with administration of thymic agent.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/112894
PubMed ID: 5950231
出現コレクション:Vol.12 No.1


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