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タイトル: 泌尿器科領域における腎機能と血圧 3.実験的手術侵襲による血清理化学値および血圧の推移ならびに腎の病理組織学的変化
その他のタイトル: Studies on renal functions and blood pressure in the field of urology. 3. Changes of serum physico-chemical properties and blood pressure and histopathological alterations of the kidney following experimental operative procedures
著者: 武田, 恵治  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: TAKETA, Keiji
キーワード: Animals
Blood Pressure
Blood Urea Nitrogen
Kidney Diseases/physiopathology
Kidney Function Tests
発行日: Mar-1966
出版者: 京都大学医学部泌尿器科学教室
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 12
号: 3
開始ページ: 245
終了ページ: 279
抄録: In rabbits, renal functions following various invasive procedures to the kidney were evaluated and follwed for 2 months based on serum physicochemical determinations (NPN, Urea-N, Cl, K, and Na) as well as examinations of blood pressure and histopathological findings. The results summarized as follows. 1) Among serum physicochemical determinations, Urea-N was especially important to study passage disturbance of the upper urinary tract mainly due to renal excretory disturbance. Results of electrolite determinations such as Cl and K showed sensitive responses to various operative invasions to the kidneys and seemed to be the indispensable examination to know general conditions including the situation of the kidney during acute phase. However, value of Na varied in wide ranges so that its determination appeared to be inappropriate index for evaluation of acute renal insufficiency. 2) Observation of renal functions following variou s operative procedures to the kidney noticed diphasic patterns on results of examination in some instances, although the observation period was relatively short. 3) In estimating the invasive degree in various operative groups with the results of renal functions, the higher degree was considered in the order of obstruction of the renal vein, stenosis of the renal vein, obstruction of the renal artery, stenosis of the renal artery, management of renal artery and vein and management of ureter among unilaterally operated groups. In comparing groups of stenosis and obstruction, the former seemed to show intenser general effects than the latter although they became evident slower and later. 4) In stenosis of renal artery and renal vein among unilaterally operated groups, maintenant hypertension was observed in for of them after operations. The all of others showed transient changes of blood pressure which returned to normal preoperating levels 246 武田:泌尿器科領域における腎機能と血圧III within 1 to 2 weeks. 5) Althoug h course of histopathological changes varied widely in accordance with operations given to the kidney, all of changes were either degeneration or atrophy. A complete organization was recognized as the final sequence of the obstruction.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/112925
PubMed ID: 6006670
出現コレクション:Vol.12 No.3


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