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タイトル: 上部尿路感染に関する2,3の統計的研究 2.上部尿路結石症の感染状態
その他のタイトル: Some statistical studies on upper urinary tract infections. II. Infections in the upper urinary tract lithiasis
著者: 岡, 直友  KAKEN_name
長谷川, 進  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: OKA, Naotomo
キーワード: Humans
Kidney Calculi/complications
Ureteral Calculi/complications
Urinary Tract Infections/etiology
発行日: Jun-1966
出版者: 京都大学医学部泌尿器科学教室
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 12
号: 6
開始ページ: 535
終了ページ: 542
抄録: The incidence of infections in the upper urinary tract calculous cases were studied. Of 31 cases of renal stone 17, or 54.8 per cent were infected (Table 1) and o f 82 cases of ureteral stone 31, or 37.8 per cent were infected. In renal stone the "more the stone was complicated in shape, the higher the incidence of infection (Table 2). In ureteral stone, the stone which lies at the ureteral end tended to be infected most (Table 6). Also with the increase of dilatation (stagnation) of the upper urinary tract, incidence of infection was increased (Table 9). The degree of dilatation is indicated in the table alphabetically, ranked as A to D, from low to high, and n as normal. Duration of symptoms prior to hospital visit showed no in t imate relation to infection (Table 3 and 8), though for some cases of ureteral stone there was some relation. As to infectious organisms, nothing could be concluded, as the cases (stra i ns) examined were inadequate in number. After removal of the stone (either spontaneous or by operation), most of the infected cases of ureteral (83.9%) and single renal stone (87.5%) in 2 months or at most in 4 months, respectively (Table 4 and 10), showed improvement. Those which took much longer time for cure were the cases complicated in shape or with some obstruction to the urinary passage developed post-operatively.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/112976
PubMed ID: 6006913
出現コレクション:Vol.12 No.6


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