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タイトル: Thiamine Tetrahydroflurfril Disulphite(TTFD)による尿路結石の自然排出促進に関する調査研究
その他のタイトル: Statistical observations on the promoting effect of thiamine tetrahydroflurfril disulphite (TTFD) on spontaneous discharge of ureteral calculus
著者: 酒徳, 治三郎  KAKEN_name
高橋, 陽一  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Sakatoku, Jisaburo
Takahashi, Youichi
キーワード: Adolescent
Middle Aged
Statistics as Topic
Thiamine/therapeutic use
Ureter/drug effects
Ureteral Calculi/drug therapy
発行日: Dec-1967
出版者: 京都大学医学部泌尿器科学教室
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 13
号: 12
開始ページ: 912
終了ページ: 926
抄録: 1) On 659 cases of lithureteria seen in urology departments of 52 main hospitals in all Japan, statistical observation was made on the effect of TTFD promoting discharge of the calculi. 2) Upon such 4 major factors as drug administration, sex, location of the calculi and size of calculi, variance analysis was performed concerning number of days required for drainage of calculus and transition of calculus. All of 4 factors were highly significant. 3) The results of x2-test on the number of days from the initial colic pain to discharge of calculus showed that the dranage is promoted in TTFD injected gronp compared to controls with, significant difference in the cases with the calculi located in the lower part of the ureter. 4) The results of X2-test on the number of days from clinical confirmation of presence of calculus to drainage of calculus showed that the discharge is promoted in TTFD injected group with significant difference in the cases of calculi located in the middle part of the ureter among those dranged them within a month and in upper and middle parts of the ureter among those discharged them within two months, respectively. 5) The results of x2-test on the number of days from the initial colic pain to discharge of calculus showed that the discharge is promoted in TTFD injected group compared to the controls with significant difference in cases with the size of calculi 5~10mm×0.5mm among those discharged them within 2 months. 6) The results of same x2-test on the number of days from the confirmation of presence to discharge of calculus showed that the discharge is promoted not only in TTFD injected group but also in TTFD orally administered group than controls with significance. 7) The results of the cumulative discharge rate pursueing the days required for discharge indicated that the drainage is especially accelerated in TTFD injected group. The rate was higher in the male group than in the female when it was calculated from the time of initial colic pain. The cumulative discharge rates by location and size of the calculus showed better effectiveness of the drug in the groups of middle part of the ureter and small calculi, respectively. 8) Based on the results of analysis, it was concluded that the use of TTFD, especially injection of it, is capable of promoting the discharge of ureteral calculi in comparison with non-administered controls.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/113235
PubMed ID: 5627881
出現コレクション:Vol.13 No.12


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