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Authors: FAYANKINNU, Emmanuel Abiodun
Keywords: Workplace violence
Social well-being
Job satisfaction
Psychological health
Issue Date: Apr-2010
Publisher: The Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto University
Journal title: African Study Monographs
Volume: 31
Issue: 1
Start page: 1
End page: 15
Abstract: This paper investigated the types of violent incidents experienced by female prison offi cers (FPOs) and likely implications while on the job. For a qualitative analysis, 10 focus group discussions consisting of 6–10 participants and 4 in-depth interviews were conducted with selected FPOs within the junior, middle, and senior cadres. Data collected were analyzed using content analysis. Respondents reported both verbal and physical violence on the job, with higher incidences of the former. Verbal violence experienced was from both junior and senior particularly male offi cers and inmates. FPOs encountered more physical violence from inmates than from their male colleagues, although senior offi cers resorted to more covert tactics. Respondents perceived these occupational experiences to impact negatively on their psychological health, social well-being, and job-satisfaction. The paper concludes by highlighting some policy options.
DOI: 10.14989/113245
Appears in Collections:Vol.31 No.1

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