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タイトル: Mesonephric adenocarcinoma of the urinary bladder: a case report
その他のタイトル: 膀胱原発Mesonephric adenocarcinomaの1例
著者: HONDA, Nobuaki
YAMADA, Yoshiaki
NANAURA, Hiroshi
FUKATSU, Hidetoshi
著者名の別形: 本多, 靖明
山田, 芳彰
七浦, 広志
深津, 英捷
野々村, 仁志
羽田野, 幸夫
キーワード: Urinary bladder
Mesonephric adenocarcinoma
Clear cell adenocarcinoma
発行日: Jan-2000
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 46
号: 1
開始ページ: 27
終了ページ: 31
抄録: 発生起原が明らかにされていない, きわめて稀な膀胱のmesonephricadenocarcinomaの1例を報告した.非乳頭状広基性腫瘍が膀胱三角部および頸部を中心に存在し, 一部尿道への進展がみられた.MRIで腫瘍は筋層に浸潤し, 膀胱全摘除術を施行した, 病理組織学的には, 腫瘍細胞は主に好酸性穎粒状, 一部淡明を有する細胞およびhobnai1型の細胞から成り, 管状あるいは乳頭状腺癌の構造を示した.手術後1年10カ月で骨転移のため死亡した.本症例はわれわれの知るかぎり, 国内外の文献上19例目の報告であった.
We report a very rare case of mesonephric adenocarcinoma of the urinary bladder, the origin of which is still uncertain. A non-papillary and broad-based tumor was located in the trigone and bladder neck on cystoscopic examination. Pelvic magnetic resonance imaging in T2-weighted images revealed a mass invading into the muscular layer of the bladder wall. Histologic examination of bladder cup-biopsy specimens showed adenocarcinoma. She underwent total cystectomy and pelvic lymph node dissection. Histologically, the tumor was chiefly composed of cells with eosinophilic cytoplasm and partly of cells with clear cytoplasm or hobnail-shaped cells, arranged in tubular or papillary structures, and infiltrated peri-vesical fat tissues. She died of metastatic disease 22 months after surgery. To the best of our knowledge, the present case is the 19th reported in the literature.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/114198
PubMed ID: 10723661
出現コレクション:Vol.46 No.1


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