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タイトル: Encrusted cystitis with ammonium acid urate calculi: a case report
その他のタイトル: 酸性尿酸アンモニウム結石を伴ったEncrusted cystitisの1例
著者: Ito, Masaaki
Kanno, Toru
Kawase, Norio
Taki, Yoji
著者名の別形: 伊藤, 将彰
寒野, 徹
河瀬, 紀夫
瀧, 洋二
キーワード: Encrusted cystitis
Ammonium acid urate calculi
発行日: Apr-2002
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 48
号: 4
開始ページ: 221
終了ページ: 224
抄録: 88歳男, 間質性肺炎に対し他院で治療中血膿尿を認め紹介転院した.KUB・CT・膀胱鏡にて膀胱内面ほぼ3分の2に石灰化を認め病理所見にてbacterial colonyとそれに伴う炎症細胞の浸潤・石灰化を認めた.またその際の結石分析で酸性尿酸アンモニウム結石と診断された
We present a case of encrusted cystitis with ammonium acid urate calculi. An 88-year-old man was referred to our hospital to determine the cause of hematopyuria. He was a patient at another hospital for treatment of interstitial pneumonia with predonisolone. After admission to our hospital, kidney, ureter, bladder X-ray, computed togography and cystoscopy revealed calcification of about two-thirds of the mucosa of the bladder, and biopsy of the bladder revealed bacterial colonies with inflammation and calcification. Calculographic analysis revealed ammonium acid urate calculi. After treatment with antibiotics and irrigation with solita T1, an acidic solution of pH 3.5-6.5, inflammation and calcification were significantly reduced.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/114734
PubMed ID: 12048934
出現コレクション:Vol.48 No.4


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