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タイトル: サルベージ化学療法としてgemcitabine,etoposide,cisplatinの3者併用化学療法が奏効した転移性尿管癌の1例
その他のタイトル: Successful salvage chemotherapy with gemcitabine, etoposide and cisplatin for metastatic ureteral cancer: a case report
著者: 塚本, 哲郎  KAKEN_name
米瀬, 淳二  KAKEN_name
石井, 信行  KAKEN_name
前澤, 卓也  KAKEN_name
福井, 巖  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Tsukamoto, Tetsuro
Yonese, Junji
Ishii, Nobuyuki
Maezawa, Takuya
Fukui, Iwao
キーワード: Adult
Antineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy Protocols/therapeutic use
Carcinoma, Transitional Cell/therapy
Cisplatin/administration & dosage
Deoxycytidine/administration & dosage/analogs & derivatives
Etoposide/administration & dosage
Lymphatic Metastasis
Radiotherapy, Adjuvant
Remission Induction
Salvage Therapy
Treatment Outcome
Ureteral Neoplasms/therapy
発行日: Jul-2002
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 48
号: 7
開始ページ: 427
終了ページ: 430
抄録: 35歳男.前化学療法(ifosfamide, 5-FU, etoposide, cisplatinの併用)に抵抗性を示し, 標題の3者併用療法によって完全緩解した.副作用として好中球減少と血小板減少を認めたが容認できる範囲と考えられた
A 35-year-old man who had undergone nephroureterectomy and a single cycle of adjuvant MVAC chemotherapy for the left ureteral cancer was referred our clinic for the treatment of paraaortic lymph node metastases. Following histologic confirmation of transitional cell carcinoma by computed tomography (CT) guided biopsy, we treated him with combination chemotherapy consisting of ifosfamide, 5-fluorouracil, etoposide and cisplatin. After 5 cycles of chemotherapy complete remission was obtained. Six months later, however, metastases recurred in the left supraclavicular and paraaortic lymph nodes. Thus, we treated him with a new combination chemotherapy comprising gemcitabine, etoposide and cisplatin which was approved as a phase I study by the institutional review board. Although he was the first patient enrolled in the study and received the minimum dose of gemcitabine (level 1), complete remission was again achieved. Adjuvant radiotherapy of 40 Gy was given to the metastatic sites. He has been well without evidence of disease for 12 months.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/114789
PubMed ID: 12229181
出現コレクション:Vol.48 No.7


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