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タイトル: 先天性腎盂尿管移行部通過障害に対するEndopyelotomyの治療成績と合併症
その他のタイトル: Endopyelotomy for ureteropelvic junction obstruction: results and complications
著者: 馬場, 良和  KAKEN_name
高井, 公雄  KAKEN_name
中村, 金弘  KAKEN_name
栗栖, 弘明  KAKEN_name
鎌田, 清治  KAKEN_name
石津, 和彦  KAKEN_name
瀧原, 博史  KAKEN_name
内藤, 克輔  KAKEN_name
林田, 英嗣  KAKEN_name
安井, 平造  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Baba, Yoshikazu
Takai, Kimio
Nakamura, Kanehiro
Kurisu, Hiroaki
Kamada, Kiyoharu
Ishizu, Kazuhiko
Takihara, Hiroshi
Naito, Katsusuke
Hayashida, Hidetsugu
Yasui, Heizo
キーワード: Endopyelotomy
Ureteropelvic junction obstruction
発行日: Jan-1994
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 40
号: 1
開始ページ: 15
終了ページ: 19
抄録: 1)10例11腎にendopyelotomyを施行し10腎で水腎の改善がえられた。2)endopyelotomyによる腎動脈の損傷例を1例とstent留置中の腎盂腎炎を2例経験した。3)血管性の腎盂尿管移行部通過障害が疑われる症例ではendopyelotomy施行前に動脈造影が必要である
We treated eleven cases of primary ureteropelvic junction obstruction with percutaneous endopyeltomy. Endopyelotomy was successful in nine of the eleven cases. Complications during and after endopyelotomy occurred in three cases, two of which had pyelonephritis and the other severe postoperative hemorrhage requiring blood transfusion due to incision of a posterior crossing vessel. In this last case, the kidney was supplied by three arteries. The lower segmental artery passed behind the ureter. We emphasized that angiography should be performed to rule out the presence of a posterior crossing vessel before endopyelotomy, when it is doubtful if an extrinsic cause of ureteropelvic junction obstruction is present.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/115185
PubMed ID: 8109469
出現コレクション:Vol.40 No.1


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