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タイトル: 急性腎不全を生じた尿管結石に対するESWLの単独治療
その他のタイトル: In situ extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy for ureteral stones causing acute renal failure
著者: 沼, 秀親  KAKEN_name
吉田, 健  KAKEN_name
影山, 幸雄  KAKEN_name
星野, 嘉伸  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Numa, Hidechika
Yoshida, Ken
Kageyama, Yukio
Hoshino, Yoshinobu
キーワード: ESWL
Acute renal failure
Ureteral stone
発行日: Apr-1994
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 40
号: 4
開始ページ: 291
終了ページ: 294
抄録: 急性腎不全を示した尿管結石5症例について, ESWL単独治療の有効性を検討した。3症例は単独治療で腎不全が解除されたが, 徐々に発症, あるいは多発した2症例には無効であった
We discuss the effectiveness of in situ extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) for the ureteral stones causing acute renal failure in 5 patients (4 men and 1 woman, mean age 56.2 years). Three of them had a sole functioning kidney, one had a solitary kidney and the other had bilateral ureteral stones. The obstructing stones were located in the upper ureter in one, lower ureter in 2, upper and lower ureter in one and bilateral upper ureter in one with the average length of the stones being 9.2 mm. We used the EDAP LT-01 device for these stones. The obstructing stones were successfully disintegrated by ESWL alone in three cases, but could not be disintegrated in the other 2 cases in which the obstruction had occurred gradually or there were multiple stones. In the latter 2 cases, we performed ESWL again with percutaneous nephrostomy or hemodialysis. We thus believe that ESWL is a safe and effective procedure and is the first choice of emergency treatment for some ureteral stones causing acute renal failure. However, the subject is limited to acute cases, and the stone must be easily detected, single with its size being less than 12 mm and composed of calcium.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/115252
PubMed ID: 8191966
出現コレクション:Vol.40 No.4


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