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タイトル: Acute pulmonary embolism after conservative surgery for renal cyst: a case report
その他のタイトル: 腎嚢胞に対する腎保存術後にみられた急性肺塞栓症の1例
著者: Satake, Ichiro
Nakagomi, Kazuaki
Tari, Kiyonobu
著者名の別形: 佐竹, 一郎
中込, 一彰
田利, 清信
キーワード: Renal surgery
Postoperative pulmonary embolism
発行日: Jun-1994
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 40
号: 6
開始ページ: 525
終了ページ: 528
抄録: 41歳男, 長年にわたる喫煙歴を有する。腎の病変に対しては楔状切除を施行したが, 病理診断は多房性嚢胞であった。肺塞栓症は術後7日目に出現し, 肺シンチグラフィーで確認された。本症例は血栓溶解療法にて軽快した
A case of acute pulmonary embolism which developed one week after conservative surgery of the renal cyst is reported. He was 41 years old and had a long habit of cigarette smoking. He underwent wedge resection of the renal mass which was proved to be a multilocular renal cyst pathologically. The acute pulmonary embolism which developed on the seventh postoperative day was confirmed by lung scintigraphy. The patient recovered from the disease by thrombolytic therapy. Postoperative bed rest seemed to be closely associated with the incidence in this case. Early ambulation is recommended. In addition, the thromboprophylactic therapy may be justified in patients undergoing kidney-sparing surgery which requires postoperative bed rest.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/115285
PubMed ID: 8073962
出現コレクション:Vol.40 No.6


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