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タイトル: 精巣鞘膜腔内嚢胞の1例
その他のタイトル: Cysts in the cavum tunica vaginalis testis: a case report
著者: 今津, 哲央  KAKEN_name
高山, 仁志  KAKEN_name
月川, 真  KAKEN_name
辻村, 晃  KAKEN_name
菅尾, 英木  KAKEN_name
高羽, 津  KAKEN_name
竹田, 雅司  KAKEN_name
倉田, 明彦  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Imazu, Tetsuo
Takayama, Hitoshi
Tsukikawa, Makoto
Tsujimura, Akira
Sugao, Hideki
Takaha, Minato
Takeda, Masashi
Kurata, Akihiko
キーワード: Cavum tunica vaginalis testis
発行日: Aug-1994
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 40
号: 8
開始ページ: 725
終了ページ: 728
抄録: A case of cysts in the cavum tunica vaginalis testis was reported. A 58-year-old man visited our clinic with the chief complaint of urethral bleeding. Urethro-cystogram revealed stricture of bulbous urethra. We palpated several pea-sized painless masses in the left scrotum. On ultrasonogram of the left scrotal contents several cystic lesions were detected at the cranial side of the left testis. At operation, cysts were found in the cavum tunica vaginalis testis, and were resected along with the tunica vaginalis. Fluid of the cysts was serous without sperm. Histopathologically mesothelial cyst was suspected. The incidence of cysts in the cavum tunica vaginalis testis is rare and only 17 cases have been reported in Japan. We reviewed 9 cases of cysts arising from lamina parietalis of tunica vaginalis.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/115324
PubMed ID: 7942373
出現コレクション:Vol.40 No.8


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