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タイトル: 各種泌尿器疾患に対する柴苓湯の臨床効果 : 線維化疾患を中心として
その他のタイトル: Clinical efficacy of sairei-to in various urinary tract diseases centering on fibrosis
著者: 志田, 圭三  KAKEN_name
今村, 一男  KAKEN_name
片山, 喬  KAKEN_name
町田, 豊平  KAKEN_name
大川, 順正  KAKEN_name
石橋, 晃  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Shida, Keizo
Imamura, Kazuo
Katayama, Takashi
Machida, Toyohei
Ohkawa, Tadashi
Ishibashi, Akira
キーワード: Sairei-to
Retroperitoneal fibrosis
Plastic induration of penis
Sclerotic lipogranuloma
Irradiation cystitis
発行日: Nov-1994
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 40
号: 11
開始ページ: 1049
終了ページ: 1057
抄録: 対象は後腹膜線維化症18例(内, 女-3例), 形成性陰茎硬化症77例, 硬化性脂肪肉芽腫5例(全員男性)と出血性膀胱炎67例(内, 男-6例)である。原則として柴苓湯単独4週以上投与。硬化性脂肪肉芽腫と形成性陰茎硬化症において効果が最も顕著, 前者で80%, 後者で77.9%の全般改善率がみられている(やや有効以上に改善した症例数比率)。また, 後腹膜線維化症の全般改善率は61.1%であった。照射性と非照射性とに分けてみるに全般改善率はそれぞれ77.8%, 82.8%で非照射性群が少しく勝っている。なお, 非照射群では抗菌剤等の併用にて多少とも改善率の上昇がみられるが, 照射群では反対に単独投与のほうが有意に優れていた。副作用としては167例中12例に軽度の胃腸障害等がみられたのみであった
A joint multi-institution study was conducted on the efficacy of Sairei-to, centering on urinary tract fibrosis. The subjects consisted of 18 patients with retroperitoneal fibrosis (including 3 women), 77 patients with plastic induration of penis, 5 patients with sclerotic lipogranuloma (all men), and 67 patients with hemorrhagic cystitis (including 6 men). As a rule, Sairei-to was administered in monotherapy for periods of 4 weeks or longer. Efficacy was most pronounced in the patients with sclerotic lipogranuloma and plastic induration of penis, with overall improvement rates (percentage of patients with ratings of effective or better) of 80% in the former and 77.9% in the latter group. The overall improvement rate in the patients with retroperitoneal fibrosis was 61.1%. In the above diseases, there were numerous patients concurrently administered drugs such as antiinflammatory enzyme preparations and corticoid preparations, and the improvement rates were somewhat higher in these patients treated concurrently with other drugs. Outstanding efficacy was also seen in hemorrhagic cystitis. Dividing the patients into irradiation and non-irradiation groups, respective overall improvement rates of 77.8% and 82.8% were obtained, with the non-irradiation group showing a slightly higher rate. The non-irradiation group showed slightly higher improvement rates in the subjects treated concurrently with drugs such as antibacterial drug. Conversely, the irradiation group showed significantly superior rates for monotherapy. Side effects such as mild gastrointestinal disturbances were seen in only 13 of 167 patients (7.8%), and the utility of this drug in treatment of the above diseases should be held in high regard.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/115384
PubMed ID: 7832080
出現コレクション:Vol.40 No.11


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