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タイトル: 精巣性索/間質腫瘍の1例
その他のタイトル: Sex cord/stromal tumor of the testis: a case report
著者: 福森, 知治  KAKEN_name
西川, 宏志  KAKEN_name
山本, 晶弘  KAKEN_name
竹中, 章  KAKEN_name
湯浅, 健司  KAKEN_name
寺尾, 尚民  KAKEN_name
岩田, 純  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Fukumori, Tomoharu
Nishikawa, Hiroshi
Yamamoto, Akihiro
Takenaka, Akira
Yuasa, Kenji
Terao, Naotami
Iwata, Jun
キーワード: Testicular tumor
Sex cord/stromal tumor
発行日: Sep-1995
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 41
号: 9
開始ページ: 687
終了ページ: 691
抄録: 28歳男.Leydig細胞腫とSertoli細胞腫の両成分が混在したと考えられる, 組織学的分類の困難であった性索/間質腫瘍の1例
We herein report a case of sex cord/stromal tumor of the testis. A 28-year-old man was admitted to our hospital with the chief complaint of painless swelling of the left scrotal contents. On examination, gynecomastia or swelling of superficial lymph nodes was not observed. With a diagnosis of left testicular tumor, left high orchiectomy was performed. Gross examination of the specimen demonstrated a mass measuring 20 x 18 x 14 mm within the testis. On the cut surface, the tumor was gray and was associated with focal hemorrhage and necrosis. The spermatic cord and epididymis were not involved by the tumor. Microscopically, the tumor demonstrated a mixed pattern consisting of, we thought, areas of Leydig-like cells as well as areas of Sertoli-like cells showing mild atypia. Without further treatment, the patient has remained free from the disease for over fifteen months since the operation. Fifty eight cases of sex cord/stromal tumor of the testis have been reported in the Japanese literature, but sex cord/stromal tumors, other than pure Leydig cell tumor or Sertoli cell tumor, are very rare. Only 4 cases have been reported including our case.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/115572
PubMed ID: 7484534
出現コレクション:Vol.41 No.9


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