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タイトル: Metastatic choriocarcinoma of the kidney discovered by refractory hematuria
その他のタイトル: 難治性血尿で発見された転移性腎絨毛癌の1例
著者: IKEDA, Ichiro
MIURA, Takeshi
KONDO, Iichiro
KIMURA, Akihiro
著者名の別形: 池田, 伊知郎
三浦, 猛
近藤, 猪一郎
木村, 昭裕
キーワード: Choriocarcinoma
Renal tumor
発行日: Jun-1996
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 42
号: 6
開始ページ: 447
終了ページ: 449
抄録: 34歳女.肉眼的血尿, 発熱と腰背部痛を主訴に受診.CTで腎臓に内部が不均一な腫瘤と多発性肺転移を認めた.難治性血尿コントロールの為, 腎摘術を行い, 転移性絨毛癌と診断された.若い女性で血尿, 月経不順と多発性肺転移を有する腎腫瘤では転移性腎絨毛癌も考慮しなければならない
A case of metastatic choriocarcinoma of the kidney is reported. A 34-year-old married woman was referred to our department complaining of gross hematuria, fever and loin pain. Computed tomography revealed a right renal tumor with mixed density and multiple lung metastases. We performed nephrectomy to control refractory hematuria. The histological diagnosis of the tumor was metastatic choriocarcinoma. In young women, with gross hematuria, menstrual irregularity and atypical renal tumor with multiple lung metastases, metastatic choriocarcinoma of the kidney should be suspected.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/115746
PubMed ID: 8741301
出現コレクション:Vol.42 No.6


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