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タイトル: 腎盂尿管癌における尿細胞診の臨床的検討
その他のタイトル: Clinical study on urinary cytology in renal pelvic and ureteral tumors
著者: 五十嵐, 宏  KAKEN_name
大石, 幸彦  KAKEN_name
小野寺, 昭一  KAKEN_name
大西, 哲郎  KAKEN_name
山崎, 春城  KAKEN_name
冨田, 雅之  KAKEN_name
田代, 和也  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: IGARASHI, Hiroshi
OHISHI, Yukihiko
ONODERA, Shoichi
OHNISHI, Tetsuro
TOMITA, Masayuki
キーワード: Urinary cytology
Renal pelvic tumor
Ureteral tumor
発行日: Jul-1996
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 42
号: 7
開始ページ: 493
終了ページ: 496
抄録: 術前に尿細胞診を施行した腎盂尿管癌126例を対象に, 陽性率及び陽性率に関与する因子を検討した. 1)腎盂尿管癌126例の尿細胞診陽性率は49.2%であった. 2)陽性率は異型度, 大きさ, 形態に相関し, high grade, 3cm以上の腫瘍, 非乳頭状の症例で有意に高かった. 3)腫瘍の数は多発例に陽性率の高い傾向がみられたが, 有意差はなかった. 4)陽性率と深達度に相関はなかった. 5)腎盂癌と尿管癌の陽性率の間に有意差はなかった
We analyzed the urinary cytology of 126 patients with renal pelvic and ureteral cancer who were initially treated during the last 10 years. Cytological specimens were stained by the Papanicolaou techniques. Urinary cytology was classified according to the Papanicolaou's classification. Classes IV and V were defined as positive. The cytologic findings were compared with the grade, shape, size, number and stage of tumors. The positive rates were 49.2% in renal pelvic and ureteral cancers. Higher positive rates were observed in high grade, non-papillary and large (> or = 3 cm) tumors. No correlation existed among the positive rates and number or stage of the tumor.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/115771
PubMed ID: 8809556
出現コレクション:Vol.42 No.7


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