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タイトル: 急性拒絶反応に対するSteroid治療の適応と限界
その他のタイトル: Indication for the steroid therapy for acute rejection
著者: 田中, 達朗  KAKEN_name
鈴木, 孝治  KAKEN_name
津川, 龍三  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: TANAKA, Tatsuro
キーワード: Renal transplantation
Acute rejection
Steroid pulse therapy
Steroid resistant rejection
Banff classification
発行日: May-1998
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 44
号: 5
開始ページ: 359
終了ページ: 363
抄録: 103例の内20例にSRRを認め, 生着率は有意に低率であった.SRRに対するステロイド治療の効果は少なかった.急性拒絶反応に対する治療は, MPに固執せず生検の結果から, より良い薬剤を選択すべきである
Between January 1, 1986 and March 31, 1997, 103 kidney transplantations were performed at our institution. Seventy-nine grafts were from living related donors; one was from a living unrelated donor; 23 were from cadaveric donors. Basic immunosuppression consisted of cyclosporin (CYA), azathioprine (AZ) and methylprednisolone (MP). Twenty of these grafts (14.9%) developed steroid resistant rejection (SRR). The 5-year graft survival rate of patients with SRR (57.9%) was lower than that with no rejection (92.9%) and steroid responded rejection ( 85.6%). (p = 0.002) Treatment methods of SRR were methylprednisolone pulse (n = 5), plasma exchange (n = 7) and others (n = 8) such as, OKT 3, 15-deoxyspergualin, anti-thymocyte globulin, Tacrolimus rescue and cyclosporin rescue. No significant differences could be seen on the 5-year graft survival between the 3 groups. We reviewed 9 episodes of acute rejection, and compared the Banff classification with the degree of reversibility of rejection. Of the 9 biopsies examined, 5 were classified as borderline change, 2 had mild rejection (grade I), 2 had moderate rejection (grade II), 1 had severe rejection (grade III). Complete reversal of rejection by steroids was observed in only 3 patients; 2 were borderline and one was grade II.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/116174
PubMed ID: 9656110
出現コレクション:Vol.44 No.5


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