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タイトル: 旭中央病院における前立腺癌の動向 1986~90年と1991~95年の比較
その他のタイトル: Trends of prostate cancer: comparison between 1986-90 and 1991-95 at Asahi General Hospital
著者: 田中, 方士  KAKEN_name
村上, 信乃  KAKEN_name
鈴木, 規之  KAKEN_name
及川, 剛宏  KAKEN_name
金水, 英俊  KAKEN_name
浜野, 聡  KAKEN_name
島崎, 淳  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: TANAKA, Masashi
SUZUKI, Noriyuki
OIKAWA, Takehiro
KINSUI, Hidetoshi
HAMANO, Satoshi
キーワード: Trends of prostate cancer
T2 and T3 prostate cancer
Endocrine therapy
発行日: Nov-1998
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 44
号: 11
開始ページ: 775
終了ページ: 780
抄録: 旭中央病院にて1986~95年に治療した前立腺癌を前半5年(前期)と後半5年(後期)に分け, 患者構成, 治療法, 予後を比較した. 1)患者数は前期161, 後期245と1.5倍に増加した.病期間の平均年齢は両期間とも同じであり, また各病期の比率や各病期内の組織学的分化度の比率は両期間ほぼ同じであった. 2)T2, T3は後期積極的処置と内分泌療法併用例が増加した.そのためかこれら病期の予後は改善傾向をみた. 3)M+は全て骨転移であった
Patients with prostate cancer treated during 1986-95 were divided into two groups: the first five years as early period and the recent five years as late period. Background factors, therapeutic modality and prognosis were compared between these two groups. The number of patients during the late period (245) was about 1.5 fold that during the early period (161). The average age for each stage are similar within the same period, and also similar between early and late periods. Almost the same ratios were noticed on stage distribution and on histological grade between early and late periods. Therefore, the increase in the number of patients in recent years was due mainly to expansion with the same proportion of background factors. Patients with T2 and T3 during the late period received more aggressive treatments with/without endocrine therapy. Subsequently these patients seemed to show better prognosis than the patients during the early period. No differences in survival of patients with metastosis was revealed between these two periods. Therefore, the outcome was not improved by recent endocrine therapy.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/116297
PubMed ID: 9893221
出現コレクション:Vol.44 No.11


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