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タイトル: 前立腺炎における化学療法剤の薬効評価法について - 患者条件および薬効評価基準 -
その他のタイトル: Proposal of a standard method for clinical evaluation of antimicrobial agents in prostatitis--specifications of patients and criteria for evaluation of clinical efficacy
著者: 守殿, 貞夫  KAKEN_name
荒川, 創一  KAKEN_name
石神, 襄次  KAKEN_name
酒井, 茂  KAKEN_name
熊本, 悦明  KAKEN_name
河村, 信夫  KAKEN_name
大越, 正秋  KAKEN_name
鈴木, 恵三  KAKEN_name
名出, 頼男  KAKEN_name
大川, 光央  KAKEN_name
久住, 治男  KAKEN_name
伊藤, 康久  KAKEN_name
坂, 義人  KAKEN_name
河田, 幸道  KAKEN_name
公文, 裕巳  KAKEN_name
大森, 弘之  KAKEN_name
中野, 博  KAKEN_name
碓井, 亜  KAKEN_name
岩川, 愛一郎  KAKEN_name
熊澤, 浄一  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: KAMIDONO, Sadao
SAKAI, Shigeru
KUMAMOTO, Yoshiaki
OHKOSHI, Masaaki
NAIDE, Yorio
OHKAWA, Mitsuo
ITO, Yasuhisa
BAN, Yoshihito
KAWADA, Yukimichi
KUMON, Hiromi
OHMORI, Hiroyuki
NAKANO, Hiroshi
USUI, Tsuguru
IWAKAWA, Aiichiro
キーワード: Prostatitis
Antimicrobial agents
Clinical evaluation
発行日: Mar-1989
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 35
号: 3
開始ページ: 427
終了ページ: 436
抄録: The criteria for clinical evaluation of the efficacy of antimicrobial agents on prostatitis were proposed. Nomenclatural definition, specifications of patients and criteria were as follows. Acute prostatitis: Target infection is acute bacterial prostatitis with no underlying condition in urinary tract. The findings of swelling and tenderness of prostate by rectal examination are essential. The patients are between 16 and 69 years old. They have fever greater than 37 degrees C and pain on micturition. Microscopic examination reveals white blood cells (WBCs) in VB1 or VB2 before treatment greater than or equal to 10 cells/hpf. Viable bacteria in VB1 or VB2 before treatment are greater than or equal to 10(4) bacteria/ml. Period of treatment is for 7 days. To evaluate clinical efficacy, 3 days after administration, changes of symptoms (fever and pain on micturition) are recorded. Seven days after administration, changes of symptoms, microscopic examinations and number of bacteria are recorded. The overall clinical efficacy is graded as "excellent", "moderate" or "poor" by combining changes in the above 3 parameters. Chronic prostatitis: Target infection is chronic bacterial prostatitis with no underlying condition in urinary tract. The patients are between 16 and 69 years old. Microscopic examination reveals WBC in EPS or VB3 before treatment greater than or equal to 10 cells/hpf. Viable bacteria before treatment are greater than or equal to 10(3)/ml (GNR) or greater than or equal to 10(4)/ml (GPC). Treatment period is for 14 days. To evaluate clinical efficacy, after 14 days of administration, changes of symptoms, microscopic examinations and number of bacteria are recorded. The overall clinical efficacy is graded as "excellent", "moderate", or "poor" by combining the changes in the 2 parameters, microscopic examination and number of bacteria.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/116472
PubMed ID: 2735252
出現コレクション:Vol.35 No.3


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