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タイトル: 保存的治療として塞栓術を施行した腎血管筋脂肪腫の1例
その他のタイトル: Therapeutic embolization of renal angiomyolipoma: a case report
著者: 渡辺, 俊幸  KAKEN_name
森本, 鎭義  KAKEN_name
新家, 俊明  KAKEN_name
川端, 衛  KAKEN_name
佐藤, 守男  KAKEN_name
山田, 龍作  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: WATANABE, Toshiyuki
MORIMOTO, Shigeyoshi
SHINKA, Toshiaki
SATOH, Morio
YAMADA, Ryusaku
キーワード: Renal angiomyolipoma
Percutaneous biopsy
発行日: Jul-1989
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 35
号: 7
開始ページ: 1183
終了ページ: 1187
抄録: A case of bilateral renal angiomyolipoma without tuberous sclerosis is reported. A 49-year-old woman was admitted to the general practitioner with a sudden onset of severe left flank pain. An excretory urogram and ultrasonogram revealed an enlargement of the left kidney. She was subsequently referred to our clinic for further investigation and treatment. Computed tomographic scan and magnetic resonance imaging using Tl-weighted image showed several tumors with a fatty, dense area in the bilateral kidney. An arteriogram demonstrated a hypervascular renal mass with aneurysms in her left kidney. Diagnosis of bilateral renal angiomyolipoma was confirmed by percutaneous needle biopsy. Superselective embolization of the tumor was successfully performed, preserving normal renal tissue. Gelatin sponges containing Carboquone (CQ sponge) were used as embolic material. Angiomyolipoma has become relatively easy to diagnose by CT, ultrasound, MRI and so on. However, there are some cases of angiomyolipoma which are indistinguishable from renal cell carcinoma using these modes of testing. Therefore, in selecting a conservative management, we indicated that percutaneous biopsy or open biopsy should be done to confirm the results of the above procedures. Moreover, therapeutic embolization for angiomyolipoma was concluded to be very useful.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/116599
PubMed ID: 2801411
出現コレクション:Vol.35 No.7


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