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タイトル: 腎機能診断i薬ヨウ化ヒプル酸ナトリウム(123I)注射液の臨床的有用性に関する検討 - 至適投与量の検討を中心に -
その他のタイトル: Clinical evaluation of 123I-orthoiodohippurate (123I-OIH) for diagnosis of renal function: dose finding study
著者: 福地, 稔  KAKEN_name
石村, 順治  KAKEN_name
山下, 正人  KAKEN_name
石原, 潔  KAKEN_name
松井, 律夫  KAKEN_name
金川, 公夫  KAKEN_name
池窪, 勝治  KAKEN_name
日野, 恵  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Fukuchi, Minoru
Ishimura, Junji
Yamashita, Masato
Ishihara, Kiyoshi
Matsui, Ritsuo
Kanegawa, Kimio
Ikekubo, Katsuji
Hino, Megumu
キーワード: 129I-orthoiodohippurate ('23I-OIH)
Renal imaging
Optimal dose
発行日: Feb-1990
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 36
号: 2
開始ページ: 197
終了ページ: 205
抄録: The safety, clinical usefulness and the optimal dose of 123I-orthoiodohippurate (123I-OIH) were evaluated in patients with mild renal disorders. 123I-OIH was administered intravenously to 45 patients, and 39 of those patients were analyzed for the clinical usefulness. The numbers of cases analyzed were 10 for 9.25 MBq (0.25 mCi), 18.5 MBq (0.5 mCi) and 74 MBq (2.0 mCi) and 9 for 37 MBq (1.0 mCi). Neither adverse reaction nor abnormal laboratory findings due to 123I-OIH administration were observed in the 45 patients. The clinical usefulness of the drug was evaluated in terms of individual renal function, regional renal functions, renal blood flow, parenchymal function and urinary function, and ability to differentiate between the renal and urinary functions, and the overall clinical usefulness. In the evaluation by the investigators, there were no significant differences in each of these parameters among any of the doses administered. In the evaluation by the Committee, however, the usefulness with 74 MBq superior to those with 9.25 MBq and 18.5 MBq, while there was no significant differences between those with 37.5 MBq and 74 MBq. The qualities of the blood flow phase images, functional phase images, functional images, and the statistical noises of the individual and the regional kidney renograms were also evaluated by the Committee. The image qualities and the statistical noises with 37 MBq were superior to those with 9.25 MBq and 18.5 MBq except for the functional image quality, and there were no significant differences between those with 37 MBq and 74 MBq other than the regional renograms and the functional images, which were superior with 74 MBq.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/116825
PubMed ID: 2343814
出現コレクション:Vol.36 No.2


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