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タイトル: 前立腺癌内分泌療法の臨床的検討(第3報) 病理組織学的所見による内分泌療法施行例の予後
その他のタイトル: Clinical studies on endocrine therapy of prostatic carcinoma (3): Histopathological features of prostatic carcinoma and its prognosis
著者: 熊本, 悦明  KAKEN_name
塚本, 泰司  KAKEN_name
梅原, 次男  KAKEN_name
原田, 昌興  KAKEN_name
島崎, 淳  KAKEN_name
布施, 秀樹  KAKEN_name
大島, 博幸  KAKEN_name
竹内, 弘幸  KAKEN_name
吉田, 修  KAKEN_name
岡田, 謙一郎  KAKEN_name
斉藤, 泰  KAKEN_name
金武, 洋  KAKEN_name
田宮, 高宏  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Kumamoto, Yoshiaki
Tsukamoto, Taiji
Umehara, Tsugio
Harada, Masaoki
Shimazaki, Jun
Fuse, Hideki
Oshima, Hiroyuki
Takeuchi, Hiroyuki
Yoshida, Osamu
Okada, Ken-ichiro
Saito, Yasushi
Kanetake, Hiroshi
Tamiya, Takahiro
キーワード: Prostaic carcinoma
Histopathological findings
Endocrine therapy
発行日: Mar-1990
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 36
号: 3
開始ページ: 295
終了ページ: 305
抄録: We investigated how histopathological features, such as structural atypism (SAT), nuclear anaplasia (NAN) and Gleason's pattern, influence the prognosis of patients receiving endocrine therapy. Patients with SAT 3 or NAN 3 clearly had a lower survival rate and a shorter survival period than those with other grades of SAT or NAN and this tendency was more prominent in the high stage than low stage. Patients with a higher grade of SAT or NAN had a poorer prognosis as well, when only cancer-related death was considered in the calculation of survival and survival period. The results described above suggest that the grade of SAT and NAN is one of most influential factors for prognosis. In the analysis for the prognosis of patients according to grade of mean value of SAT + NAN, there were differences in prognosis among mean value of SAT + NAN 2-4, 5 and 6. This indicated that the combined grading system would provide more information to the prediction of prognosis. Patients with Gleason's primary (or secondary) pattern 1 and 2, or 3 and 4 had a better survival than those with pattern 5 in the analysis when only cancer-related death was considered. This was coincident with the result that the survival rate for each Gleason's sum 2-3, 4-5, 6, 7-8 and 9-10 was different. Consequently, Gleason's pattern influenced the rate of cancer-related deaths, and this pattern may be another important factor for predicting the prognosis.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/116858
PubMed ID: 2191571
出現コレクション:Vol.36 No.3


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