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タイトル: 外翻を呈した小児異所性尿管瘤の1例 --外科治療に関する文献的考察を含めて--
その他のタイトル: A case of everting ectopic ureterocele in child--controversy in the surgical treatment
著者: 朝倉, 博孝  KAKEN_name
田所, 茂  KAKEN_name
実川, 正道  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Asakura, Hirotaka
Tadokoro, Shigeru
Jitsukawa, Seidoh
キーワード: Age Factors
Child, Preschool
Kidney Pelvis/abnormalities/surgery
発行日: Jun-1990
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 36
号: 6
開始ページ: 687
終了ページ: 690
抄録: A 4-year-old girl with the history of repeated urinary tract infections was referred from the pediatric department to our department on January, 1987. Under the diagnosis of right ectopic ureterocele of everting type with complete duplication of renal unit, the one-stage operation, that is, right hemi-nephroureterectomy with complete excision of the ureterocele and ureteral stump was carried out on January 27, 1987. Reimplantation of the orthotopic mate ureter was done because of injury to lower part of the mate ureter during operation, although reflux of the mate ureter did not exist. After the operation, the voiding symptom became better except for large residual urine volume (300 ml). In order to protect renal function, intermittent catheterization was carried out. Two years and 8 months after that operation, residual urine volume was reduced to 20 ml. Judging from the literature and our experience, if the patient is not in a severe condition, we recommend one-stage operation, that is, total correction (a single operation designed to correct abnormalities of the upper and lower urinary tract) for ectopic ureterocele in children.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/116925
PubMed ID: 2239561
出現コレクション:Vol.36 No.6


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