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タイトル: 腺腫と別腺に嚢腫を合併した原発性上皮小体機能充進症の1例
その他のタイトル: A parathyroid cyst and an adenoma associated with primary hyperparathyroidism: report of a case
著者: 井上, 均  KAKEN_name
若林, 賢彦  KAKEN_name
小西, 平  KAKEN_name
岡田, 裕作  KAKEN_name
竹内, 秀雄  KAKEN_name
友吉, 唯夫  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Inoue, Hitoshi
Wakabayashi, Yoshihiko
Konishi, Taira
Okada, Yusaku
Takeuchi, Hideo
Tomoyoshi, Tadao
キーワード: Primary hyperparathyroidism
Parathyroid cyst
Parathyroid adenoma
発行日: Oct-1990
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 36
号: 10
開始ページ: 1197
終了ページ: 1202
抄録: A case of a parathyroid cyst associated with an adenoma in a different gland is reported. A 55-year-old female was explored with preoperative diagnosis of primary hyperparathyroidism after endoscopic removal of a right ureteral stone. The operation revealed a cyst, 20 x 10 mm in size at the left lower gland, and a solid tumor, 32 x 12 x 7 mm in size and 1, 300 mg in weight in the left upper gland. Histological examination disclosed a parathyroid cyst and an oxyphilic and chief cell adenoma, respectively. Postoperative course was uneventful including normalized serum Ca level. To our knowledge, 59 cases of parathyroid cysts have been reported in the Japanese literature, of which 31 were in the hyperparathyroid status. The most common causes were cystic degeneration of the adenomas. A parathyroid cyst with a concomitant adenoma in a different gland like our case is very rare. This is the first reported case in Japan and the sixth reported case in the world literature.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/117010
PubMed ID: 2264548
出現コレクション:Vol.36 No.10


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