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タイトル: 頻尿,尿失禁に対する塩酸テロジリンの臨床経験
その他のタイトル: Clinical effect of terodiline hydrochloride on pollakisuria and urinary incontinence
著者: 杉山, 高秀  KAKEN_name
際本, 宏  KAKEN_name
朴, 英哲  KAKEN_name
栗田, 孝  KAKEN_name
梅川, 徹  KAKEN_name
高村, 知諭  KAKEN_name
井口, 正典  KAKEN_name
今西, 正昭  KAKEN_name
片岡, 喜代徳  KAKEN_name
石原, 宏  KAKEN_name
辻橋, 宏典  KAKEN_name
内田, 亮彦  KAKEN_name
永井, 信夫  KAKEN_name
池上, 雅久  KAKEN_name
中西, 淳  KAKEN_name
川村, 正喜  KAKEN_name
大西, 則夫  KAKEN_name
門脇, 照雄  KAKEN_name
西岡, 伯  KAKEN_name
光林, 茂  KAKEN_name
江左, 篤宣  KAKEN_name
神田, 英憲  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Sugiyama, Takahide
Kiwamoto, Hiro
Park, Young-Chol
Kurita, Takashi
Umekawa, Tohru
Takamura, Chisato
Iguchi, Masanori
Imanishi, Masaaki
Kataoka, Kiyonori
Ishihara, Hiroshi
Tsujihashi, Hironori
Uchida, Akihiko
Nagai, Nobuo
Ikegami, Masahisa
Nakanishi, Atsushi
Kawamura, Masaki
Ohnishi, Norio
Kadowaki, Teruo
Nishioka, Tsukaga
Mitsubayashi, Shigeru
Esa, Atsunobu
Kanda, Hidenori
キーワード: Terodiline hydrochloride
Urinary incontinence
Urinary frequency
発行日: Nov-1990
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 36
号: 11
開始ページ: 1371
終了ページ: 1377
抄録: 頻尿, 尿失禁を主訴とする各種疾患患者に塩酸テロジリンを投与し, 有用性と安全性の検討を行った.1)自覚症状については, 投与4週間で有意差をもって改善を認めた.他覚所見である残尿量についても減少する結果を得た.排尿量, 尿流量率については変化がみられなかった.2)改善効果は患者背景の如何にかかわらず, ほぼ同様であった.3) 37例中に29例に塩酸テロジリンの有用性を認めた.4)副作用は38例中3例に認めたが, いずれも軽度であった.また, 臨床検査上異常変動は認めなかった
Efficacy and safety of terodiline hydrochloride were studied by treating 38 patients who complained of pollakiuria and incontinence with this drug. Terodiline hydrochloride in a dose of 24 mg once or 12 mg twice a day was administered to these patients for 4 weeks and the conditions of the patients before and after the treatment were evaluated. According to the subjective symptoms, pollakisuria during the daytime and at night, incontinence, anischuria at night and frequency of urination were all reduced significantly. Objective symptoms detected after the treatment a tendency of increase (p less than 0.1) in the bladder volume at the time of maximum micturition. However, no change in the urination volume and the maximum urine flow was observed before and after the administration. A significant decrease (p less than 0.05) in residual urine was noted after the treatment. The results were favorable with overall improvement of 78.4% and efficacy of 75.7%. Side effects were observed in 3 of the 38 cases (7.9%), but all the symptoms were slight.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/117032
PubMed ID: 2288317
出現コレクション:Vol.36 No.11


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