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タイトル: UFT投与後の尿路上皮腫瘍内thymidylate synthase阻害と5-Fluorouracil濃度に関する検討
その他のタイトル: Thymidylate synthase inhibition and concentration of 5-fluorouracil after administration of UFT in human uroepithelial carcinomas
著者: 蟹本, 雄右  KAKEN_name
鈴木, 裕志  KAKEN_name
三輪, 吉司  KAKEN_name
秋野, 裕信  KAKEN_name
磯松, 幸成  KAKEN_name
岡田, 謙一郎  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Kanimoto, Yusuke
Suzuki, Yuzi
Miwa, Yosiji
Akino, Hironobu
Isomatu, Yukishige
Okada, Kenichiro
キーワード: UFT
Uroepithelial carcinoma
Thymidylate synthase
発行日: Mar-1991
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 37
号: 3
開始ページ: 229
終了ページ: 233
抄録: 尿路上皮腫瘍患者18例を対象に手術前1週間UFT (600 mg/day)を投与し, 摘出標本における腫瘍組織および正常組織内のtegafur, 5-FU, uracil濃度を測定し, さらにTS阻害率を検討した.腫瘍組織と正常組織の間でtegafur濃度では差を認めなかったが, 5-FUとuracil濃度は腫瘍組織は正常組織に比べて5.1倍, 3.6倍の高値を示した.腫瘍組織におけるTS阻害率は平均36%であったのに対して正常組織では平均21%と腫瘍組織で有意に高い阻害率であった.5-FU濃度とTS阻害率の相関は腫瘍組織でも正常組織でも認められなかった
Inhibition of thymidylate synthase (TS) and the concentration of tegafur, 5-FU and uracil in the tumor and the non-tumor tissues were compared in 18 uroepithelial cancer patients who had been administered UFT (600 mg/day) for seven days before operation. 5-FU and uracil levels in the tumor tissue were increased to 5.1 and 3.6 fold, respectively, compared those in the normal tissue, although there was no difference in tegafur levels between normal and tumor tissue. The mean inhibition rate of TS activity in the tumor tissue was significantly higher (36%) than that in the normal tissue (21%). However, no correlation between 5-FU level and inhibition rate of TS activity was found in either tissue. Not only the higher tumor concentration of 5-FU but also the higher inhibition of TS activity in the tumor tissue suggests that UFT is likely a useful drug for the treatment of uroepithelial carcinomas.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/117142
PubMed ID: 1648873
出現コレクション:Vol.37 No.3


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