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タイトル: 男子尿道炎の臨床的検討
その他のタイトル: Clinical analysis of male urethritis
著者: 中田, 誠司  KAKEN_name
三木, 正也  KAKEN_name
岡部, 和彦  KAKEN_name
真下, 透  KAKEN_name
小林, 幹男  KAKEN_name
山中, 英寿  KAKEN_name
高橋, 修  KAKEN_name
大貫, 隆久  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Nakata, Seiji
Miki, Masaya
Okabe, Kazuhiko
Mashimo, Toru
Kobayashi, Mikio
Yamanaka, Hedetoshi
Takahashi, Osamu
Onuki, Takahisa
キーワード: Clinical studies
発行日: May-1991
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 37
号: 5
開始ページ: 507
終了ページ: 514
抄録: GU 205例(47.7%), NGU 225例(52.3%), 平均年齢32.5歳は両群で大差なし.感染源はホステス76.3%, 以下ソープランド, ガールフレンド, 海外, 妻の順であった.尿道分泌は87.7%に認められ, 排尿時痛, 尿道不快感がこれにつづいた.検尿, 尿道分泌物塗抹染色陽性は両群で72.7%, 100%と50.9%, 92.2%で, GUのペニシリン抵抗性は29.4%;25.6%にクラミジア混合感染あり, NGUのクラミジア陽性は71.8%となった.GUのNQ, PC治療1週間後の有効は80.6%, 83.8%で, NQによる淋菌消失は89.7%である.NGUではNQ, MINO治療1週間後の有効は70.4%, 85.3%, クラミジア消失は70.0%, 100%であった.NQのOFLX有効は84.3%で最高, 両群共治療は2週間の方が再燃が少なかった
We reviewed 497 patients with male urethritis diagnosed between January, 1986 and March, 1989 at the Asama General Hospital. The incidence of gonococcal urethritis (GU) was 47.7%, and that of non-gonococcal urethritis (NGU) 52.3%. There was no difference in the age distribution between GU and NGU. Prostitutes were the most common source of the infection in both GU and NGU. Incubation periods were longer in NGU than in GU, statistically. Urethral discharge was the most common symptom. Purulent urethral discharge was seen more commonly than serous urethral discharge in GU. On the contrary, serous urethral discharge was more common in NGU. Penicillin-resistant gonococcus comprised 29.4% and mixed infection of the C. trachomatis existed 25.6% in GU. C. trachomatis was detected in 71.8% in NGU. In GU, new quinolones and penicillins were administered frequently. The effective rates 1 week after the administration were 80.6% and 83.3%, respectively. In NGU, new quinolones and minocycline were administered frequently. The effective rates were 70.4% and 85.3%, respectively. Ofloxacin (OFLX) showed the highest effective rate to NGU among the four new quinolones. The relapse rate for the two-week administration group was lower than that for the one-week-administration group, but the difference was not statistically significant.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/117183
PubMed ID: 1650122
出現コレクション:Vol.37 No.5


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