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タイトル: インターフェロン-γ術前投与の腎細胞癌根治術後免疫能への影響について
その他のタイトル: Immunological assessment after radical nephrectomy for renal cell carcinomas pre-treated with interferon-gamma
著者: 大西, 哲郎  KAKEN_name
町田, 豊平  KAKEN_name
増田, 富士男  KAKEN_name
五十嵐, 宏  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Onishi, Tetsuro
Machida, Toyohei
Masuda, Fujio
Igarashi, Hiroshi
キーワード: Renal cell carcinoma
Immunological assessment
Pre-operative administration of IFN-gamma
発行日: Jul-1991
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 37
号: 7
開始ページ: 671
終了ページ: 678
抄録: 根治的腎摘除術を施行した腎細胞癌22例を術前にIFN-γ投与群10例と術前無投与群12例に分け, 比較検討した.1)術前までのIFN-γ投与によりCD16が上昇した症例が有意に多かったが, stageおよびgrade別に一定の傾向はなかった.2)術直前値と術後7日目の値を比較した結果, 投与群のlow stageおよびlow grade症例にCD4/CD8比の上昇した症例が多かったのに比べて, 無投与群では逆に減少した症例が多く, CD16に関してもIFN-γ投与群では術後上昇した症例が多かったが, stageおよびgrade別に一定の傾向はなかった.3)術中輸血および麻酔時間に関しては, IFN-γ投与の有無にかかわらず, 術後の免疫学的変化に一定の傾向はみられなかった
Twenty two patients with renal cell carcinoma subjected to radical nephrectomy were divided into 2 groups, the first group consisted of 10 patients who received pre-operative interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma administered group), and the second one consisted of 10 patients who received nephrectomy alone (non-administered group). An immunological assessment was made as to whether the pre-operative administration of IFN-gamma affects the immunocompetent cells before or after nephrectomy with reference to stage or grade of cancer, the duration of anaesthesia and in the absence or presence of a blood transfusion. Immunocompetent cells that we had checked were peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL), CD3, CD4, CD8, CD16 and CD20. These cells were examined on the day before the administration of IFN-gamma (in the case of the administered group), just before nephrectomy and on the 7th day after nephrectomy. With regard to the effects of the administration of IFN-gamma pre-operatively, there were more patients who showed an increase of CD16 in the administered group, compared with the patients who showed a decrease of CD16, and its difference was significant. On the other hand, we observed that the patients who showed an increase of CD16 were low stage and low grade predominantly, but the difference was not significant. Regarding the immunological changes after nephrectomy, there appeared to be an increase in the ratio of CD4/CD8 in the administered group, and these patients were low stage and low grade significantly. As to CD16, the tendency was similar to that observed for the ratio of CD4/CD8 in the administered group.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/117236
PubMed ID: 1927765
出現コレクション:Vol.37 No.7


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