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タイトル: 腎結石を基礎とする腎孟腎炎について抗菌力の異なった薬剤による化学療法の反応の差異に基づいた「局所抗菌力係数」の概念 - (局所抗菌力係数の想定の試み)
その他のタイトル: Clinical response of chemotherapeutic agents with different activities on chronic complicated pyelonephritis with renal stone. A proposed index of local antimicrobial activity
著者: 鈴木, 恵三  KAKEN_name
堀場, 優樹  KAKEN_name
長田, 恵弘  KAKEN_name
名出, 頼男  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Suzuki, Keizo
Horiba, Masaki
Nagata, Yoshihiro
Naide, Yorio
キーワード: UTI
Underlying disease
発行日: Sep-1991
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 37
号: 9
開始ページ: 963
終了ページ: 968
抄録: In the treatment of one male patient with chronic pyelonephritis, complicated with renal stone, the pathological state of the renal inflammatory lesion was determined. The patient had been persistently infected by the same strain of S. marcescens for more than a year. When he was treated by several antimicrobial agents, the urinary bacteriological response was well correlated to the MICs of each agent. On the basis of the findings obtained, a new index of local antimicrobial activity was proposed. Analysis of such items as strains appearing after treatment, interval of relapse and the identification of the strains relapsed, were suggestive of the renal inflammatory, and pathological conditions. The clinical response also correlated well with the index. The lesion was considered to be mainly localized in the right lower calyx where a tiny stone existed. This disease is considered curable with effective chemotherapy after withdrawal of the stone. This index should be useful for evaluation of the effectiveness of antimicrobial agents.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/117295
PubMed ID: 1785421
出現コレクション:Vol.37 No.9


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