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タイトル: 上皮小体全摘除術および前腕自家移植術の手術手技と問題点について
その他のタイトル: Technique and problems of total parathyroidectomy with autotransplantation in secondary hyperparathyroidism
著者: 池田, 龍介  KAKEN_name
鈴木, 孝治  KAKEN_name
小林, 重行  KAKEN_name
喜久山, 明  KAKEN_name
馬込, 敦  KAKEN_name
川村, 研二  KAKEN_name
木戸, 智正  KAKEN_name
江原, 孝  KAKEN_name
宮澤, 克人  KAKEN_name
田中, 達朗  KAKEN_name
谷口, 利憲  KAKEN_name
卞, 在和  KAKEN_name
白岩, 紀久男  KAKEN_name
津川, 龍三  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Ikeda, Ryosuke
Suzuki, Koji
Kobayashi, Shigeyuki
Kikuyama, Akira
Magome, Atsushi
Kawamura, Kenji
Kido, Chisho
Ehara, Takashi
Miyazawa, Katsuhito
Tanaka, Tatsuro
Taniguchi, Toshinori
Ben, Arikazu
Shiraiwa, Kikuo
Tsugawa, Ryuzo
キーワード: Total parathyroidectomy
Secondary hyperparathyroidism
発行日: Oct-1991
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 37
号: 10
開始ページ: 1209
終了ページ: 1213
抄録: 続発性上皮小体機能亢進症20症例に対して, 上皮小体全摘除術および自家移植術を施行した.6症例に再発がみられたが, このうち3症例は局麻下に移植片を摘出し再発に対しての治療が容易であった
Between 1982 and 1990, 20 patients with chronic renal failure underwent total para-thyroidectomies and autotransplantations as treatment for secondary hyperparathyroidism. Fourteen cases were cured of their symptoms and their serum PTH levels was restored to normal. Recurrent hyperparathyroidism developed in 6 cases. In 3 of the 6 cases, excision of parathyroid tissue from the forearm could easily be performed under local anesthesia. Of the other cases, 2 had five and one had six glands. Several localizing methods should be performed before operation, in order to overlook the parathyroid glands in different anatomic positions.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/117323
PubMed ID: 1755413
出現コレクション:Vol.37 No.10


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