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タイトル: Modulith SL20を用いた腎尿管結石に対するESWLの臨床経験
その他のタイトル: Clinical application of Modulith SL20 on extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy for upper urinary tract calculi
著者: 丹田, 均  KAKEN_name
加藤, 修爾  KAKEN_name
大西, 茂樹  KAKEN_name
中嶋, 久雄  KAKEN_name
氏家, 徹  KAKEN_name
丸田, 浩  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Tanda, Hitoshi
Kato, Shuji
Ohnishi, Shigeki
Nakajima, Hisao
Ujiie, Toru
Maruta, Hiroshi
キーワード: ESWL
Modulith SL20
発行日: Dec-1991
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 37
号: 12
開始ページ: 1739
終了ページ: 1747
抄録: 1)男27例, 女12例に施行した.2)治療回数は1回が33例, 他機種により2回目を施行したのは6例であった.砕石効果は, 84.6%であった.3) ESWL治療後21日目での排石効果は, 完全排石は37例中14例, 4 mm以下の残石が37例中18例であった.4.1 mm以上の残石は5例であった.追跡不能は2例であった.4) ESWL術中, 術直後の臨床的, 血液生化学検査において, 変動はなかった.5)有用度判定で有用は37例中24例, やや有用が13例であった
Thirty-nine patients, 27 males and 12 females with renal and ureteral stones, were treated using the Modulith SL 20 between October 1990 and January 1991. Thirty-three of the 39 cases had a single session of extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (ESWL) and the other six cases had two sessions. The pulverization rate of ESWL by this device was 84.6%. According to the X-rays taken 21 days after ESWL, of the 37 cases, 14 (37.8%) were stone-free, 18 (48.7%) had residual sandy stones less than 4 mm in diameter, five (13.5%) had residual stone fragments larger than 4.1 mm in diameter, and two cases were not clear. Using the criterion of cases which can be expected to have spontaneous passage, in other words, residual stones less than 4 mm in diameter, lithotripsy with the Modulith SL 20 was regarded as "effective" in 32 of the 37 cases (86.5%). As side effects of this treatment, hematuria was observed for several days after ESWL in all patients, but not other serious complications were observed. Among the 37 cases in which the grade could be evaluated the evaluation for 24 (64.9%) was "useful" and that for 13 (35.1%) "useful to some extent". Therefore, ESWL was performed very successfully.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/117403
PubMed ID: 1785405
出現コレクション:Vol.37 No.12


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