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タイトル: 膀胱腫瘍に対する膀胱保存手術後の1-hexylcarbamoyl-5-fluorouracil (HCFU)およびHCFUと2,5-di-0-acetyl-D-glucaro(1-4)(6-3)dilactone (SLA)の再発予防効果の検討
その他のタイトル: Study of preventive effect of 1-hexylcarbamoyl-5-fluorouracil (HCFU) or combination of HCFU and 2.5-di-O-acetyl-D-glucaro (1-4) (6-3) dilactone (SLA) after preservative operation against bladder cancer
著者: 和田, 誠次  KAKEN_name
安本, 亮二  KAKEN_name
岸本, 武利  KAKEN_name
前川, 正信  KAKEN_name
川喜多, 順二  KAKEN_name
森川, 洋二  KAKEN_name
山本, 啓介  KAKEN_name
柏原, 昇  KAKEN_name
早原, 信行  KAKEN_name
西島, 高明  KAKEN_name
堀井, 明範  KAKEN_name
杉本, 俊門  KAKEN_name
辻田, 正昭  KAKEN_name
千住, 将明  KAKEN_name
山口, 哲男  KAKEN_name
江崎, 和芳  KAKEN_name
梅田, 優  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Wada, Seiji
Yasumoto, Ryoji
Kishimoto, Taketoshi
Maekawa, Masanobu
Kawakita, Junji
Morikawa, Yoji
Yamamoto, Keisuke
Kashihara, Noboru
Hayahara, Nobuyuki
Nishijima, Takaaki
Horii, Akinori
Sugimoto, Toshikado
Tsujita, Masaaki
Senju, Masaaki
Yamaguchi, Tetsuo
Ezaki, Kazuyoshi
Umeda, Masaru
キーワード: 1-hexylcarbamoy1-5-fluorouracil
Bladder cancer
発行日: Jan-1992
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 38
号: 1
開始ページ: 19
終了ページ: 24
抄録: 膀胱保存手術後の術後再発予防に対するHCFUの効果およびHCFUとSLAの併用効果を検討した.1) 57例の膀胱手術後の再発は1年2例, 2年15例であった.2) 87例を対象として, 封筒法にてHCFUおよびSLA併用群とHCFU単独群での再発予防効果は, 1年以上で併用群で成績が良好であった.3)副作用は11例にみられたが, 重篤な副作用は1例もなかった
To treat superficial bladder cancer or invasive bladder cancer presenting as a solitary tumor, conservative therapy such as transurethral resection of bladder tumor or partial cystectomy has long been carried out. We studied the effect of 1-hexylcarbamoyl-5-fluorouracil (HCFU), and the effects of the combination of HCFU and 2.5-di-O-acetyl-D-glucaro-(1-4)(6-3) dilactone (SLA) which is an anti-beta-glucuronidase agent, for preventive therapy. In the patients treated with HCFU, the recurrence rate was 3.6% and 26.6% one year and two years, respectively, after conservative operation. In the patients treated with both SLA and HCFU, the recurrence rate was lower than in those treated with HCFU one year or more after conservative operation, and a long-term preventive effect was expected for nondrinkers.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/117455
PubMed ID: 1546564
出現コレクション:Vol.38 No.1


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