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タイトル: Dornier MFL-5000による上部尿路結石の体外衝撃波破砕術の経験
その他のタイトル: Clinical application of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripter (Dornier MFL-5000) for upper urinary tract stones
著者: 佐々木, 幸弘  KAKEN_name
武内, 巧  KAKEN_name
奴田原, 紀久雄  KAKEN_name
東原, 英二  KAKEN_name
阿曽, 佳郎  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Sasaki, Yukihiro
Takeuchi, Takumi
Nutahara, Kikuo
Higashihara, Eiji
Aso, Yoshio
キーワード: ESWL
Upper urinary tract stone
発行日: Feb-1992
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 38
号: 2
開始ページ: 149
終了ページ: 154
抄録: 上部尿路結石患者32名, 51結石に本法を40回行った.最終回後3ヵ月のX線像上, 完全排石10例, 4 mm以下の残石4例であった.治療後, 重篤な有害効果は認めなかった.肉眼的血尿は殆ど全例, 発熱は7例, 側腹部痛は6例に認められた.臨床検査上, 第一世代破砕装置使用時に比し軽い, 軽度且つ一過性の変化がみられた
The results of clinical application of an extracorporeal shock wave lithotripter (MFL-5000, Dornier, Germany) were presented. The treatments were performed from August 1989 to November 1989 at the University of Tokyo. A total of 40 sessions were carried out on 32 patients with 51 upper urinary tract stones. On the X-ray films obtained three months after the last sessions, 10 patients (34.5%) were free from stone fragments and 4 (13.8%) had stone fragments equal or less than 4 mm. After treatment no serious adverse effect was observed. Macroscopic hematuria was observed in almost all patients, pyrexia in 7 (21.9%), and flank pain in 6 (18.8%). On the laboratory data after treatments, there were slight and transient changes which were milder than those of the first generation lithotripter. It is concluded that MFL-5000 is useful and safe in the management of patients with upper urinary tract stones.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/117482
PubMed ID: 1561947
出現コレクション:Vol.38 No.2


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