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タイトル: 停留精巣固定術の長期予後成績
その他のタイトル: Long-term outcome of cryptorchism after orchiopexy
著者: 奥野, 博  KAKEN_name
岡本, 圭生  KAKEN_name
福山, 拓夫  KAKEN_name
松田, 公志  KAKEN_name
吉田, 修  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Okuno, Hiroshi
Okamoto, Keisei
Fukuyama, Takuo
Matsuda, Tadashi
Yoshida, Osamu
キーワード: Cryptorchism
発行日: Nov-1992
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 38
号: 11
開始ページ: 1231
終了ページ: 1236
抄録: 1)思春期前に停留精巣固定術を施行した43例(片側39例, 両側4例)の長期予後成績を検討した。2)精液検査では片側停留精巣を正常16例, 乏精子症8例, 無力精子症1例, 無精子症1例であった。両側停留精巣は正常3例, 無精子症1例であった。3)片側停留精巣の既婚者は8例でうち7例に挙児を認めた。4)片側の停留精巣では, 患側より健側の精巣容積の方が精子濃度と関連する傾向を認め, おもに健側の精巣機能が精液所見に関与している
The long-term outcome of cryptorchism (undescended testis) was studied in 43 patients who underwent orchidopexy at pre-puberty ages and who were over 15 years of age at the time of this study. The follow-up period after operation was 11 approximately 23 years. Cryptorchism was unilateral in 39 patients and bilateral in 4 patients. The sperm concentration and motility were examined, using a cut-off level of 20 x 10(6)/ml for sperm concentration and 50% for sperm motility. In the unilateral cryptorchism group, 16 patients (61.5%) had normal semen quality, 8 patients (30.8%) oligozoospermia, 1 (3.8%) asthenozoospermia and 1 (3.8%) azoospermia. In the bilateral cryptorchism group, 3 patients (75.0%) were normal and 1 (25.0%) had azoospermia. Eight patients with unilateral cryptorchism were married and 7 of them (87.5%) had children. The sperm concentration had no inverse correlation with the age at operation. In patients with unilateral cryptorchism, the testicular volume on the healthy side was significantly higher than that on the affected side. The sperm concentration tended to correlate with the testicular volume on the healthy side rather than that on the affected side. These findings suggest that the sperm profiles in patients with unilateral cryptorchism are chiefly associated with the testicular function on the healthy side.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/117708
PubMed ID: 1362480
出現コレクション:Vol.38 No.11


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