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Title: Indomethacin suppresses prolactin release in men
Other Titles: インドメサシンのプロラクチン放出抑制効果
Authors: Ito, Haruo
Kawamura, Kenji
Kataumi, Zenzo
Sumiya, Hidenori
Takahara, Masanobu
Aikawa, Hideo
Shimazaki, Jun
Author's alias: 伊藤, 晴夫
川村, 健二
片海, 善吾
角谷, 秀典
高原, 正信
相川, 英男
島崎, 淳
Keywords: Adolescent
Depression, Chemical
Follicle Stimulating Hormone/blood
Luteinizing Hormone/blood
Middle Aged
Issue Date: Jan-1984
Publisher: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
Journal title: 泌尿器科紀要
Volume: 30
Issue: 1
Start page: 17
End page: 20
Abstract: インドメサシン100 mgの直腸内投与で男子血中プロラクチン濃度は有意に低下した.血中LHレベルは軽度低下したが, 有意差はなかった.血中FSHは変化しなかった
Indomethacin administered intrarectally at a dose of 100 mg elicited a statistically significant decrease of serum prolactin level in men. Serum LH level was depressed slightly but the decrease was not statistically significant. There was no effect on serum FSH concentration.
PubMed ID: 6428199
Appears in Collections:Vol.30 No.1

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