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タイトル: 尿路性器悪性腫瘍のヌードマウス異種移植の研究 移植成績と移植組織の性状
その他のタイトル: Study on heterotransplantation of malignant urogenital tumors in nude mice: results of transplantation and the characteristics of the explants
著者: 岡田, 謙一郎  KAKEN_name
吉田, 修  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: OKADA, Kenichiro
キーワード: Urogenital malignancy
Nude mouse
発行日: Dec-1984
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 30
号: 12
開始ページ: 1749
終了ページ: 1767
抄録: 尿路性器腫瘍のヌードマウスへの異種移植8年間の成績では, 移植を試みた82悪性腫瘍中46腫瘍(56%)が生着し, 35腫瘍(43%)が継代株となった.マウス別にみると, 初代移植で全体の38%に生着した.この成績は, 他の機関からの泌尿器科領域, および他臓器悪性腫瘍の移植成績にくらべ良好であった.しかし, 生着した腫瘍株においても, 62%のマウスに生着したにすぎないことから, 移植にあたっては少くとも2匹以上のマウスにおこなうべきである.移植組織の経時的変化を組織学的に検討したところ, 基本的にはoriginal characterは良く保存され, これは腫瘍マーカーの検索においても実証された.しかし継代を重ねるにつれ, 組織構築が均一化し, 一般的に悪性度の高いものへとクローン選択がおこる傾向もみられた
Since 1976, we have transplanted 82 urological neoplasms into nude mice, 46 of which (56%) took. Thirty five of them (43% of the total tumors) are being serially transplanted. This rate of success seems to be better than that obtained at other institutes for both neoplasms of urogenital as well as other tissue origin. The explants basically retained the original characteristics of the native tumors not only in histological pattern but also in tumor markers, even after a long term period of heterotransplantation. However, the histological features of some tumor lines seemed to be reduced. A certain cell population was lost during repeated transplantations. Such a clonal selection may have resulted from the outgrowth of the cell population capable of adapting to the transplanted environment. Nevertheless heterotransplantation experiments in nude mice are one of the most valuable tools in various cancer research including that in the urological field since a rather high percentage of urologic malignancies take while retaining their original characteristics for a long time.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/118364
PubMed ID: 6085219
出現コレクション:Vol.30 No.12


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