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タイトル: 前立腺肥大症の手術療法に対する臨床的検討
その他のタイトル: Clinical evaluation of surgical treatment for benign prostatic hypertrophy
著者: 中島, 均  KAKEN_name
由井, 康雄  KAKEN_name
秋元, 成太  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: NAKAJIMA, Hitoshi
YUI, Yasuo
キーワード: Benign prostatic hypertrophy
Surgical treatment
Clinical evaluation
発行日: Jan-1985
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 31
号: 1
開始ページ: 101
終了ページ: 106
抄録: 1) 1978年1月より1982年12月までに日本医科大学附属病院にて施行された前立腺摘除術症例300例のうち, 集計可能であった290例について, その手術成績を中心に統計的観察を試みた.2)過去の報告と比較して, 全症例数, とくに, 高年齢症例の増加, およびTUR症例の増加が顕著に認められた.3)術式の選択に際しては, 術中術後経過などよりTURがすぐれていると思われるが, 症例によっては, open surgeryの有用性も充分考慮されるべきである.4)術前合併症の有無は, 術後合併症の発現に直接影響を与えない
Prostatectomy was performed on 300 patients at our Hospital for the period of 5 years from January 1978 to December 1982. Among those cases, clinical evaluation was made on 290 patients whose medical records were available. Ages of the subjects ranged from 53 to 92 years with an average age at 71.6. Retropubic prostatectomy (RPP) was performed on 81 cases, and suprapubic prostatectomy (SPP) and transurethral resection of prostate (TUR) on 39 and 170 cases, respectively. Surgery was made on 206 cases under epidural anesthesia, 82 cases under spinal anesthesia, and 2 cases under general anesthesia. Preoperative laboratory tests showed abnormalities in 62% of the total. The most frequent preoperative complications were circulatory abnormality and urinary tract infection. Average surgical time was 78.6 min. for RPP, 69.8 min. for SPP, and 76.9 min. for TUR. Average blood volume transfused during operation was 446.3 ml for RPP, 430.8 ml for SPP, and 80.7 ml for TUR. Average period of catheter retention after surgery was 9.2 days for RPP, 10.1 days for SPP, and 4.9 days for TUR. Average postoperative admission period was 18.6 days for RPP, 20.6 days for SPP, and 14.1 days for TUR. Average weight of the isolated adenoma was 41.8 g for RPP, 30.2 g for SPP, 11.5 g for TUR. Postoperative complications such as epididymitis, traumatic infection, and hepatic dysfunction were often found. Latent prostatic carcinoma found in the isolated adenoma was found in 11 cases (3.8%). The presence of anomalies in preoperative laboratory findings did not influence the frequency of postoperative complications.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/118382
PubMed ID: 2581426
出現コレクション:Vol.31 No.1


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