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タイトル: 閉塞性無精子症に対するAlloplastic spermatoceleの使用経験
その他のタイトル: A therapeutic experience with alloplastic spermatocele used in obstructive azoospermia
著者: 寺田, 為義  KAKEN_name
里見, 定信  KAKEN_name
梅田, 慶一  KAKEN_name
秋谷, 徹  KAKEN_name
片山, 喬  KAKEN_name
江尻, 進  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Terada, Tameyoshi
Satomi, Sadanobu
Umeda, Keiichi
Akiya, Touru
Katayama, Takashi
Ejiri, Susumu
キーワード: Adult
Infertility, Male/surgery
Prostheses and Implants
Sperm Count
Vas Deferens/abnormalities
発行日: Dec-1985
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 31
号: 12
開始ページ: 2307
終了ページ: 2311
抄録: 閉塞性無精子症例にWagenknechtらの開発したcup shaped alloplastic spermatoceleを用い精子採取を試みたが充分なものは得られずAIHに供することはできなかった
To perform AIH, an artificial spermatocele was inserted into the epididymis for obstructive azoospermia (probably caused by congenital defect of the spermiduct on one side and by accidental vasosection in hernioplasty on the other). The graft used was a cup-shaped alloplastic spermatocele made of silicon-dacron, developed by Wagenknecht et al. The epididymal duct was incised microscopically. The graft was sutured to the epididymal involucrum, punctured through the scrotal skin by an injection needle and aspirated spermatozoa accumulated in the internal cavity, and subjected to AIH. Postoperatively, acceleration of spermatogenesis was attempted by injecting i.m. HCG 2, 000 U-HMG 150 U twice a week, but spermatozoa both qualitatively and quantatively sufficient to perform AIH could not be obtained. Spermatozoa were no longer found after two and a half postoperative months. Despite the present failure, we would like to develop a method of grafting of this kind as more precise therapeutic means through further technical improvements in grafting.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/118675
PubMed ID: 3832932
出現コレクション:Vol.31 No.12


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