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タイトル: Male Uroflow Diagnostic Interpretation による正常成人男子の尿流量分析
その他のタイトル: Uroflow metrical analysis of normal adults by male uroflow diagnostic interpretation
著者: 水永, 光博  KAKEN_name
宮田, 昌伸  KAKEN_name
山内, 薫  KAKEN_name
佐々木, 正人  KAKEN_name
中田, 康信  KAKEN_name
徳中, 荘平  KAKEN_name
八竹, 直  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: MIZUNAGA, Mitsuhiro
MIYATA, Masanobu
SASAKI, Masato
NAKATA, Yasunobu
キーワード: Uroflowmetry
Male uroflow diagnostic interpretation
(dL/dT) 40
発行日: Mar-1986
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 32
号: 3
開始ページ: 361
終了ページ: 367
抄録: 1) QM90(尿流量曲線の中央の90%の排尿量におけるaverge flow rate (AFR))は, AFR, MFR (maximum flow rate)と同様に, 200 ml以下の排尿量では, 排尿量と正の相関で増量し, 200 ml以上は一定値をとる.2) Tdesc (MFRに達した時から総排尿量の95%が排尿される迄の時間)は, 排尿量と正の相関で増加した.3)(dQ/dT) max(尿流量曲線の立上りの傾きの最大値)は, ばらつきが大きく, 正常群と異常群を明確に区別し得なかった.4)(dL/dT) 40(膀胱容量が残り40 mlとなった時の膀胱壁の収縮速度)は, 排尿量に依存せず, その正常下限は12.5 mm/secで, 異常群と明確に区別され, 利用価値が高い
Uroflowmeter has been well documented as an indispensible tool in lower urinary tract diagnosis. In this study 145 normal urinary flow curves in 36 healthy adult males were analysed using the Male Uroflow Diagnostic Interpretation (MUDI) of the DISA urological investigation system. In MUDI, the flow rate pattern is analysed and quantified by previously defined parameters. Then the computed values of these parameters are compared with the values observed in healthy subjects. Finally, the results are conveniently presented on an output sheet. One of the newly defined parameters, (dL/dT) 40, i.e., the bladder contraction velocity at 40 ml before the end of micturition, was situated within the range of 12.5 to 28.3 mm/sec (20.4 +/- 3.9 mm/sec) in healthy males. The variable (dL/dT) 40 did not depend on voided volume and provided excellent discrimination between the control group of healthy males and the group of patients with dysuria. MUDI improves the faults of previous uroflowmetry systems and provides (dL/dT) 40 by which micturition patterns can be discriminated to be good and bad ones. So MUDI seems to be quite versatile in daily urological clinics.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/118774
PubMed ID: 2942016
出現コレクション:Vol.32 No.3


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