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タイトル: Step sectionによる前立腺癌, stage A 例の臨床病理学的研究
その他のタイトル: Clinico-pathological study on prostatic cancer, stage A using step section technic
著者: 湯下, 芳明  KAKEN_name
南, 祐三  KAKEN_name
桜木, 勉  KAKEN_name
草場, 泰之  KAKEN_name
金武, 洋  KAKEN_name
進藤, 和彦  KAKEN_name
斉藤, 泰  KAKEN_name
原, 種利  KAKEN_name
田崎, 亨  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: YUSHITA, Yoshiaki
KUSABA, Yasuyuki
SHINDO, Kazuhiko
SAITO, Yutaka
HARA, Tanetoshi
キーワード: Prostatic cancer
Stage A
Clinico-pathological study
Histological feature
Growth pattern
発行日: Aug-1987
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 33
号: 8
開始ページ: 1185
終了ページ: 1192
抄録: 膀胱腫瘍で膀胱を全摘した男52例につき腫瘍mappingを作製し, 12例でstage Aの前立腺癌を組織学的に診断し, 前立腺癌取扱い規約に従って組織像を解析した.膀胱腫瘍と前立腺の重複癌群は50~78歳, 平均62.0歳に対し, 膀胱腫瘍単独群は33~84歳, 平均63.2歳とほぼ類似し, stage B, C, Dの前立腺癌に比し, やや若年層に発症傾向をみた.組織型はすべて腺癌で分化度は高分化型3例, 中分化型9例, 低分化型は認めず, stageではpT1 6例, pT2 3例, pT3 3例, stage A1 1例, stage A2 11例であった.StageとINFの関係は, low stageにINFα~βが, high stageにINFγが認められる傾向がみられた.リンパ管, 血管への侵襲をみず, 精嚢, 尿道粘膜, 膀胱壁, 直腸壁へも浸潤しなかった.神経線維周囲への侵襲を3例に, 被膜への浸潤を3例にみた.リンパ節郭清がなされた3例にはリンパ節転移はなかった
Of 52 male bladder cancer cases treated with radical cystectomy, 12 cases (23.9%) were incidentally diagnosed as stage A prostatic cancer. Histological analysis was done according to the "general rules for clinical and pathological studies on prostatic cancer." The average age of the prostatic cancer cases was 62.0 years with a range of 50 to 78 years. Three cases were of well differentiated adenocarcinoma, and 9 cases were of moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma. Six cases were at pT1, 3 at pT2, and 3 at pT3. One case was stage A1, and 11 were stage A2 cases. Perineural and capsular invasions were found in 3 cases each. Neither lymphatic nor vascular invasion was found in any case, and no evidence of seminal vesicular, urethral, bladder and rectal invasion was found in any case. Lymph node metastasis was not found in any of the 3 pelvic lymph node dissected cases.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/119240
PubMed ID: 3425518
出現コレクション:Vol.33 No.8


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