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タイトル: 膀胱腫瘍の転移に関する統計的観察 --日本病理剖検輯報(1978~1982年)をもとに--
その他のタイトル: Statistical survey of metastasis of bladder tumors--from the annual of pathological autopsy cases in Japan
著者: 朴, 勺  KAKEN_name
金, 哲将  KAKEN_name
石田, 章  KAKEN_name
白数, 昭雄  KAKEN_name
友吉, 唯夫  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: PAK, Kyun
KIM, Chol Jang
キーワード: Autopsy cases
Bladder tumors
Metastatic sites
発行日: Nov-1987
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 33
号: 11
開始ページ: 1835
終了ページ: 1839
抄録: 日本病理剖検輯報に1978年から5年間に登録された1821例の膀胱腫瘍症例の統計的観察を試みた.1)年齢は70歳代が最も多く, 男女比は2.95:1であった.2)組織型は移行上皮癌80.5%, 扁平上皮癌10.7%, 腺癌3.7%, 未分化癌3.6%であった.3)組織型よりみた転移の頻度は未分化癌89.8%, 腺癌86.4%, 扁平上皮癌76.5%, 移行上皮癌69.8%であった.4)転移部位の順位はリンパ節, 肺, 肝, 骨, 腹膜, 副腎, 腎, 大腸, 前立腺, 尿管, 子宮, 胸膜, 小腸, 膵, 骨髄, 心, 脾となり, 過去の日本病理剖検輯報の集計と比較してもおおむね同様の転移部位の順位であった
We analyzed 1, 821 cases of bladder tumors collected from the Annual of the Pathological Autopsy Cases in Japan, 1978-1982, published by the Japanese Pathological Society to determine the frequency of metastasis and metastatic sites. Study of age distribution revealed that the highest incidence was found in the 70-79 age group and that the male to female ratio was 2.95:1. Histologically, the tumors were transitional cell carcinoma in 1, 393 cases (80.5%), squamous cell carcinoma in 185 cases (10.7%), adenocarcinoma in 64 cases (3.7%) and anaplastic cell carcinoma in 62 cases (3.6%). Metastasis was found in 1, 275 cases (70.0%). The frequency of metastasis according to histological type was transitional cell carcinoma in 960 (69.8%), squamous cell carcinoma in 127 cases (76.5%), adenocarcinoma in 51 cases (86.4%) and anaplastic cell carcinoma in 53 cases (89.8%). Metastasis occurred in order of decreasing frequency in lymph nodes, lungs, liver, bones, peritoneum, kidneys, intestines, prostate, ureters and uterus. These findings were compatible with several previous statistical surveys of autopsy cases of bladder tumor.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/119345
PubMed ID: 3328508
出現コレクション:Vol.33 No.11


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