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タイトル: ラットにおける蓚酸の生体内動態
その他のタイトル: Pharmacokinetic study on oxalate in rats
著者: 杉本, 俊門  KAKEN_name
加藤, 禎一  KAKEN_name
松村, 俊宏  KAKEN_name
岸本, 武利  KAKEN_name
山本, 啓介  KAKEN_name
金沢, 俊直  KAKEN_name
千住, 将明  KAKEN_name
前川, 正信  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Sugimoto, Toshikado
Katoh, Yoshikazu
Matsumura, Toshihiro
Kishimoto, Taketoshi
Yamamoto, Keisuke
Kanazawa, Toshinao
Senju, Masaaki
Maekawa, Masanobu
キーワード: Animals
Kidney Glomerulus/metabolism
Kidney Tubules/metabolism
Oxalic Acid
Rats, Inbred Strains
発行日: Jul-1988
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 34
号: 7
開始ページ: 1135
終了ページ: 1140
抄録: ラットを用いてradioisotopeで標識した蓚酸をトレーサーとして, 腎および肝クリアランス測定を行うとともに, pharmacokinetic studyを施行して解析し, イヌリンの場合と比較検討した.1)蓚酸の腎クリアランス値はイヌリンのそれの1.12倍であり, 蓚酸は糸球体で濾過されるとともに, 尿細管からも分泌されることが示唆された.2) Pharmacokinetic studyにより, 蓚酸は胆汁中にも排泄されるが, 腎摘群においては肝は腎の蓚酸排泄能を代償できなかったことから, 蓚酸の主要な排泄経路は腎であり, 生体内動態の亢進がそのまま腎での蓚酸排泄量増加に反映すると考えられた.3)蓚酸の生体内分布容積がイヌリンのそれの1.7倍であることは, 蓚酸は間質液中に容易に拡散し, また, 細胞内にも拡散していく可能性を示唆する
The pharmacokinetics of oxalate were studied in normal and nephrectomized rats, using radioisotope-labelled oxalate to resolve the mechanism of calcium oxalate stone formation. Plasma disappearance of 14C-oxalate was analyzed with a 2-compartment open model, and each compartment volume, the first-order rate constant for elimination, and the first-order rate constant for transfer between the central compartment and peripheral compartment were obtained. These values were compared with those for inulin. In normal rats, the total distribution volume was 57% of body weight for oxalate and 34% for inulin. The elimination rate constant from the central compartment for oxalate was lower than that for inulin, but oxalate had a much larger central compartment volume than inulin. Thus, the total clearance of oxalate was greater than that of inulin. In nephrectomized rats, total clearance of oxalate decreased to 1/6 of that in normal rats, while total clearance of inulin decreased to 1/27 of that in normal rats. These results suggest that oxalate is more diffusible than inulin, and that oxalate is excreted mainly from the kidney.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/119651
PubMed ID: 3051947
出現コレクション:Vol.34 No.7


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