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タイトル: Test Sizeによる睾丸計測
その他のタイトル: Testicular measurement by test size orchidometer
著者: 田島, 政晴  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: TAJIMA, Masaharu
キーワード: Orchidometer
発行日: Nov-1988
出版者: 泌尿器科紀要刊行会
誌名: 泌尿器科紀要
巻: 34
号: 11
開始ページ: 2013
終了ページ: 2020
抄録: Orchidometer "Test size"にて1歳未満~86歳1782睾丸の計測を行った.睾丸容積は, 8歳ごろまで発育が緩かで, 12~13歳ごろから増加率が速やかとなり, 18~19歳前後でピークに達し, それ以後はプラトーに移行した.従来の報告値より高値を示した.真の睾丸の実測容積は, Test sizeは, 計測値に係数0.608をかけ, 超音波断層法では係数1.098をかければ算出できる
The testicular volume of 1782 testes in 891 subjects between 0 and 86 years old was measured using the Test Size (Resimed Co, Switzerland), a metrological equipment for testis. We also compared the testicular volume calculated from tomographic images by testicular ultrasonographic measurements in some of these subjects and the actual volume of the isolated testes from the same subjects. The testicular volume measured with Test Size gradually grew at the age of 0 to about 8 years, rapidly increased in percentage at the age of about 12 to 13 years and reached to a peak at about 18 to 19 years. Comparison between the actually measured volume of isolated testes and the testicular volume with Test Size resulted in an index of 0.608 while comparison between that and the ultrasonographically measured testicular volume resulted in an index of 1.098. Therefore, authentic testicular volume is calculable by means of this method.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/119764
PubMed ID: 3071944
出現コレクション:Vol.34 No.11


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